A framework designed around Kotlin. Modules include
A suite of tools that have no dependencies on other libraries providing capabilities such as loading cache, configurations, tracking tools, and more.
implementation "io.tekniq:tekniq-core:0.+"
Maven Dependency
A kotlin friendly wrapper around Caffeine that conforms to the TqCache interface making it easy to switch to a more advanced loading cache implementation.
implementation "io.tekniq:tekniq-cache:0.+"
Maven Dependency
Provides extensions to the DataSource and Connection objects allowing one to more cleanly and easily work with the JDBC APIs with the kotlin idiom supported. Does not require overhead of object mappings or such.
implementation "io.tekniq:tekniq-jdbc:0.+"
Maven Dependency
A tool utilizing jackson-mapper for making RESTful calls to web services.
implementation "io.tekniq:tekniq-rest:0.+"
Maven Dependency