These are the scripts, codes, etc. that I use in my workflow. They are located in different repos. This is my attempt to collect them together. Most these stuff are sync with mackup.
AvaxHomeSearch: Search AvaxHome.
ConvertRmdJekyllblogposttovanillamd: Converts .Rmd posts written in R to vanilla md files. Requires make.R file. You should also fix the paths.
NewJekyllblogposts: Create post, article, or page. You should fix the paths.
NewSlidify: Creates Slidify. Requires Rstudio and Slidify. You should also fix the paths.
SearchAlternativeTo: Search alternativeTo.
- This a version of mankoff/BibDeskAppleScripts/ It searches web for the pdf of the selected bibtex entry in Bibdesk. It requires which is from dschoepe/bibfetch. You should also fix the paths.
Toggle Journal Abbreviation: This is Jeremy Van Cleve's Applescript. It requires along with the abbreviations.txt. You should also fix the paths.
Annotation template with specific issue tagging___Ctrl-Alt-2: From DEVONthink forums
AddKeywordsToPdfMetadata___Ctrl-Alt-9: Adds DEVONthink keywords to pdf metadata. Requires exiftool to be installed.
AddPathToPdfMetadata___Ctrl-Alt-0: Adds DEVONthink path to pdf metadata. Requires exiftool to be installed.
database_change_error: Useless error script.
DT_Skim: Useless script.
RefreshAllRSS___Ctrl-Alt-1: Refresh all RSS feeds.
Remove all tags from selection: Derived from "Remove tags from selection".
Capitalize All: Capitalizes Bibdesk entries. This macro requires multiple Applescripts from Christiaan Hofman to be installed. You should also fix the paths.
Change pdf Metadata: Changes the metadata of selected pdf in Bibdesk. It depends on which requires exiftool to be installed. You should also fix the paths.
SkimToDTPO: See Popclip below.
libgen: Search selected text in Library Genesis with default browser.
scihub: Search selected text in Sci-Hub with default browser.
skimdtpo: Send highlights from Skim to DEVONthink Pro Office. This requires the SkimToDTPO.kmmacros macro to be installed. See "How to Use" in macro.
gitinfo: Creates git repo in a selected folder in PathFinder with gitinfo2 hooks created. Uses files from emraher/gitinfo. You should also fix the paths.
gitinit: Creates git repo in a selected folder in PathFinder.
- LaTeX_article.sublime-snippet: LaTeX article snippet for ST.