- Recovering Object information from a C++ compiled Binary/Malware (mainly written for PE files) , linked dynamically and completely Stripped.
- 0.4v last updated on 3-July-2015
Option 1: Download and Install Rose Compiler from git repository. Build Rose and its dependencies on your PC.
Download BOOST at www.boost.org/users/download (suggested to use version<=1.53 )
tar -zxf BOOST-[VersionNumber].tar.gz
mkdir installTree (eg. BOOST_INSTALL )
./bootstrap.sh --prefix=[installTree] (For help use ./bootstrap.sh --help )
./bjam install --prefix=[installTree]
You might need to compile some boost libraries also. I usually need these for boost-1.53: chrono date_time filesystem iostreams program_options random regex signals system thread wave. I also add "-sNO_COMPRESSION=1 -sNO_ZLIB=1 -sNO_BZIP2=1" to the bjam (or b2) command.
- git clone https://github.com/iN3O/edg4x-rose
- mkdir buildRose
- cd buildRose
- export JAVA_HOME=/usr/apps/java/jdk1.5.0-11
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/i386/server:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- ../edg4x-rose/configure --prefix=[ROSE_INSTALL] --with-boost=[BOOST_INSTALL] ----with- boost-libdir=BOOST_INSTALL/lib --without-haskell --disable-php --disable-cuda --disable- doxygen-developer-docs --with-yaml=/path/to/yaml --with-yices=/path/to/yices --enable-binary-analysis --with-boost-thread --with-java=$JAVA_HOME --with-C_OPTIMIZE=-O0 --with-CXX_OPTIMIZE=-O0 ( ROSE_INSTALL is the location where you want to install Rose )
- make -jx ( where x is the number of core you want to build with. suggested "3" )
- make check ( for testing the installation ) (optional)
- make install
- make installcheck ( for testing the installation ) (optional)
NOTE : This might take from 2-4 hours. If you can't wait that long then look at option 2 [below].
*Option 2 : Download(6.8 GB) the Ubuntu 14.04 Virtual machine build with all necessary flags.
- Username : demo
- password : password
- BOOST Library (version<=1.53)
- YAML library download
- Yices SMT Solver library version 1.0.40
- Go to BinClass/src directory
- make clean
- make install
- ./BinClass --help ( for help with flags and all )
- (For Example)./BinClass --output-def-use --yaml-file ../results/test_12.yaml ../testfiles/test_12.exe
- Check TO DO file.