New features
- Updated fontawesome from version 4.7 to version 6.4.2 (Free).
A list of available icons can be found at: https://kapeli.com/cheat_sheets/Font_Awesome.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/index - Updated WaveDrom to the latest version 3.3.0.
Changed the markdown parser process to be like below. We removed the
hooks as these two caused the confusion.markdown ↓ `onWillParseMarkdown(markdown)` ↓ markdown ↓ **crossnote markdown transformer** ↓ markdown ↓ **markdown-it or pandoc renderer** ↓ html ↓ `onDidParseMarkdown(html)` ↓ html, and then rendered in the preview
(Beta) Supported to export the selected element in preview to .png file and copy the blob to the clipboard:
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug of importing files that contains empty heading: shd101wyy/vscode-markdown-preview-enhanced#1840
- Fixed a bug of rendering inline math in image name: shd101wyy/vscode-markdown-preview-enhanced#1846
- Fixed a bug of parsing inline code: shd101wyy/vscode-markdown-preview-enhanced#1848