A CLI tool to create K8S Job from CronJob spec by allowing you to replace the environment variable (literal only) when needed.
Your kubeconfig need to be configured.
Create a config from an existing cronjob
bakkutteh -j example-cronjob -t momo
You can use the dry run to show what will be applied into the K8S cluster
bakkutteh -j example-cronjob --dry-run -t jojo
Just run without the option -j
. A prompt will appear showing the list of cronjob allowing you to choose the list of cronjob that you're looking for
bakkutteh -- -t dodo --dry-run
You can also create a Job from an existing deployment. You just need to add the --deployment
option. Example below
bakkutteh -- -t dodo --dry-run --deployment
The CLI also allows you to add additional environment variables. The prompt will ask you whether you wanna add additional environment variable. If you wish to do so please follow this format e.g below. Quote don't need to be added.
bakkutteh -t hello-dodo -n default
> Select the cronjob that you want to use as a base of the job my-cronjob
Getting cronjob my-cronjob from namespace default
> Env for ADDITIONAL_VAR: hello dodo !
Job hello-dodo-manual created