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序号 原库名 原库基线版本 仓库名 状态
1 pigeon 14.0.0 pigeon 已适配
2 file_selector 1.0.1 file_selector 已适配
3 image_picker 1.0.4 image_picker 已适配
4 animations 2.0.8 animations 已适配
5 url_launcher 6.1.11 url_launcher 已适配
6 shared_preferences 2.2.2 shared_preferences 已适配
7 path_provider 2.1.1 path_provider 已适配
8 local_auth 2.1.6 local_auth 已适配
9 sqflite 2.2.8+4 flutter_sqflite 已适配
10 permission_handler 11.3.1 flutter_permission_handler 已适配
11 fluttertoast 8.2.8 flutter_fluttertoast 已适配
12 camera 0.10.5+5 camera 已适配
13 video_player 2.7.2 video_player 已适配
14 webview_flutter 4.4.2 webview_flutter 已适配
15 webview_flutter-v4.4.4 4.4.4 webview_flutter-v4.4.4 已适配
16 connectivity_plus 5.0.2 connectivity_plus 已适配
17 device_info_plus 9.1.2 device_info_plus 已适配
18 package_info_plus 4.2.0 package_info_plus 已适配
19 package_info 2.0.2 package_info_plus 已适配
20 share_plus 7.2.2 share_plus 已适配
21 audio_session 0.1.21 flutter_audio_session 已适配
22 flutter_native_image 0.0.6+1 flutter_native_image 已适配
23 flutter_sound 9.2.13 flutter_sound 已适配
24 image_gallery_saver 2.0.3 flutter_image_gallery_saver 已适配
25 location 5.0.3 location 已适配
26 power_image 0.1.0-pre.2 flutter_power_image 已适配
27 wakelock 0.6.2 wakelock 已适配
28 flutter_console 0.0.4 flutter_console 已适配
29 audioplayers 4.1.0 flutter_audioplayers 已适配
30 gpu_image 1.0.0 flutter_gpu_image 已适配
31 image_crop 0.4.1 flutter_image_crop 已适配
32 bitmap 0.1.3 flutter_bitmap 已适配
33 leak_detector 1.1.0 flutter_leak_detector 已适配
34 flutter_math_fork 0.6.3+1 flutter_math_fork 已适配
35 flutter_contacts 1.1.9+2 flutter_contacts 已适配
36 flutter_inappwebview 6.0.0 flutter_inappwebview 已适配
37 flutter_keyboard_visibility 6.0.0 flutter_keyboard_visibility 已适配
38 flutter_widget_from_html 0.14.11 flutter_widget_from_html 已适配
39 mobile_scanner 3.5.7 fluttertpc_mobile_scanner 已适配
40 device_util 1.0.7 fluttertpc_device_util 已适配
41 export_video_frame 0.0.7 fluttertpc_export_video_frame 已适配
42 flutter_local_notifications 17.2.2 fluttertpc_flutter_local_notifications 已适配
43 flutter_phone_direct_caller 2.2.1 fluttertpc_flutter_phone_direct_caller 已适配
44 flutter_screenshot_callback 0.0.9 fluttertpc_screenshot_callback 已适配
45 flutter_sms 2.3.3 fluttertpc_flutter_sms 已适配
46 media_info 0.12.0+2 fluttertpc_media_info 已适配
47 orientation 1.3.0 fluttertpc_orientation 已适配
48 recognition_qrcode 2.0.2 fluttertpc_recognition_qrcode 已适配
49 video_compress 3.1.2 fluttertpc_video_compress 已适配
50 share_extend 2.0.0 fluttertpc_share_extend 已适配
51 catcher 0.8.0 fluttertpc_catcher 已适配
52 flutter_mailer 2.1.2 fluttertpc_flutter_mailer 已适配
53 gallery_saver 2.3.2 fluttertpc_gallery_saver 已适配
54 flutter_localization 0.2.2 flutter_localization 已适配
55 keyboard_actions 4.2.0 fluttertpc_keyboard_actions 已适配
56 native_device_orientation 1.2.1 fluttertpc_native_device_orientation 已适配
57 screen 0.0.5 fluttertpc_screen 已适配
58 pdf_render 1.4.12 fluttertpc_pdf_render 已适配
59 pdf_viewer_plugin 2.0.1 fluttertpc_pdf_viewer_plugin 已适配
60 r_scan 0.1.6+1 fluttertpc_r_scan 已适配
61 r_upgrade 0.4.2 fluttertpc_r_upgrade 已适配
62 scan 1.6.0 fluttertpc_scan 已适配
63 open_app_settings 2.0.1 fluttertpc_open_app_settings 已适配
64 audio_service 0.18.15 fluttertpc_audio_service 已适配
65 open_filex 4.5.0 fluttertpc_open_filex 已适配
66 auto_orientation 2.3.1 fluttertpc_auto_orientation 已适配
67 tobias 4.0.0 fluttertpc_tobias 已适配
68 flutter_filereader 3.0.0 fluttertpc_flutter_filereader 已适配
69 flutter_document_picker 5.2.3 fluttertpc_flutter_document_picker 已适配
70 flutter_keychain 2.5.0 fluttertpc_flutter_keychain 已适配
71 flutter_udid 2.0.1 fluttertpc_flutter_udid 已适配
72 in_app_purchase 3.1.11 in_app_purchase 已适配
73 flutter_yfree 2.2.11 fluttertpc_flutter_yfree 已适配
74 flutter_custom_cursor 0.0.4 fluttertpc_flutter_custom_cursor 已适配
75 flutter_downloader 1.10.5 fluttertpc_flutter_downloader 已适配
76 flutter_qr_reader 1.0.5 fluttertpc_flutter_qr_reader 已适配
77 app_installer 1.2.0 fluttertpc_app_installer 已适配
78 camerawesome 1.4.0 fluttertpc_camerawesome 已适配
79 file_picker 8.0.7 fluttertpc_file_picker 已适配
80 fk_user_agent 2.1.0 fluttertpc_fk_user_agent 已适配
81 flutter_pdfview 1.3.2 fluttertpc_flutter_pdfview 已适配
82 flutter_secure_storage 9.2.2 fluttertpc_flutter_secure_storage 已适配
83 flutter_statusbarcolor_ns 0.5.0 fluttertpc_flutter_statusbarcolor_ns 已适配
84 geocoding 3.0.0 fluttertpc_geocoding 已适配
85 image_cropper 6.0.0 fluttertpc_image_cropper 已适配
86 light_compressor 2.0.1 fluttertpc_light_compressor 已适配
87 map_launcher 3.2.0 fluttertpc_map_launcher 已适配
88 qr_code_scanner 1.0.1 fluttertpc_qr_code_scanner 已适配
89 record_mp3 3.0.0 fluttertpc_record_mp3 已适配
90 simple_circular_progress_bar 1.0.2 fluttertpc_simple_circular_progress_bar 已适配
91 wakelock_plus 1.1.6 fluttertpc_wakelock_plus 已适配
92 system_boot_time 0.0.1 fluttertpc_system_boot_time 已适配
93 fast_rsa 3.6.3 fluttertpc_fast_rsa 已适配
94 install_plugin 2.1.0 fluttertpc_install_plugin 已适配
95 flutter_native_splash 2.3.13 fluttertpc_flutter_native_splash 已适配
96 geolocator 13.0.1 fluttertpc_geolocator 已适配
97 just_audio 0.9.37 fluttertpc_just_audio 已适配
98 printing 5.10.4 fluttertpc_printing 已适配
99 flutter_barcode_scanner 2.0.0 fluttertpc_flutter_barcode_scanner 已适配
100 open_file 3.5.3 fluttertpc_open_file 已适配
101 flutter_blue_plus 1.32.12 fluttertpc_flutter_blue_plus 已适配
102 record 5.0.5 fluttertpc_record 已适配
103 video_thumbnail 0.5.3 fluttertpc_video_thumbnail 已适配
104 flutter_isolate 2.0.4 fluttertpc_flutter_isolate 已适配
105 flutter_jsbridge_plugin 0.0.5 fluttertpc_flutter_jsbridge_plugin 已适配
106 flutter_vibrate 1.3.0 fluttertpc_flutter_vibrate 已适配
107 app_settings 5.1.1 fluttertpc_app_settings 已适配
108 qrcode_flutter 3.0.0 fluttertpc_qrcode_flutter 已适配
109 cryptography_flutter 2.3.0 fluttertpc_cryptography_flutter 已适配
110 pdfx 2.3.0 pdfx 已适配
111 get 4.6.5 fluttertpc_get 已适配
112 super_native_extensions 0.4.0 fluttertpc_super_native_extensions 已适配
113 irondash_engine_context 0.1.1 fluttertpc_irondash 已适配
114 dart_native 0.7.11 - 开发中
115 media_kit_video 1.2.5 - 开发中
116 quick_actions 1.0.6 - 开发中
117 media_kit_libs_video 1.0.5 - 开发中
118 sign_in_with_apple 5.0.0 - 开发中
119 sqlite3_flutter_libs 0.5.24 - 开发中
120 fluwx 3.13.1 - 开发中
121 appspector 0.10.0 - 开发中
122 photo_manager 3.3.0 - 开发中
123 saver_gallery 3.0.6 - 开发中
124 uni_links 0.5.1 - 开发中
125 flutter_app_badger 1.5.0 - 开发中
126 sensors_plus 4.0.2 - 开发中
127 sms_autofill 2.4.0 - 开发中
128 vibration 2.0.0 - 开发中
129 network_info_plus 6.0.1 - 开发中
130 connectivity_for_web 0.4.0+1 - 未适配
131 connectivity_macos 0.2.1+2 - 未适配
132 css_colors 1.1.3 css_colors 未适配
133 espresso 0.3.0+6 espresso 未适配
134 extension_google_sign_ in_as_googleapis_auth 2.0.11 extension_google_sign_ in_as_googleapis_auth 未适配
135 flutter_adaptive_scaffold 0.1.4 flutter_adaptive_scaffold 未适配
136 flutter_image 4.1.9 flutter_image 未适配
137 flutter_lints 2.0.3 flutter_lints 未适配
138 flutter_markdown 0.6.15 flutter_markdown 未适配
139 flutter_migrate 0.1.0 flutter_migrate 未适配
140 flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle 2.0.17 flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle 未适配
141 flutter_template_images 4.2.1 flutter_template_images 未适配
142 go_router 12.1.1 go_router 未适配
143 go_router_builder 2.3.4 go_router_builder 未适配
144 google_identity_services_web 0.2.2 google_identity_services_web 未适配
145 google_maps_flutter 2.3.0 google_maps_flutter 未适配
146 google_sign_in 6.1.6 google_sign_in 未适配
147 ios_platform_images 0.2.3 ios_platform_images 未适配
148 metrics_center 1.0.12 metrics_center 未适配
149 multicast_dns 0.3.2+4 multicast_dns 未适配
150 palette_generator 0.3.3+3 palette_generator 未适配
151 pointer_interceptor 0.9.3+5 pointer_interceptor 未适配
152 rfw 1.0.9 rfw 未适配
153 standard_message_codec 0.0.1+4 standard_message_codec 未适配
154 two_dimensional_scrollables - two_dimensional_scrollables 未适配
155 web_benchmarks 0.1.0+8 web_benchmarks 未适配
156 webview_flutter_platform_interface 2.6.0 webview_flutter_platform_interface 未适配
157 xdg_directories 1.0.3 xdg_directories 未适配
158 stack_trace 1.11.1 - -
159 vector_math 2.1.4 - -
160 collection 1.18.0 - -
161 source_span 1.10.0 - -
162 characters 1.3.0 - -
163 path 1.8.3 - -
164 ffi 2.0.2 - -
165 intl 0.18.1 - -
166 archive 3.4.10 - -
167 file 6.1.4 - -
168 provider 6.1.2 - -
169 typed_data 1.3.2 - -
170 term_glyph 1.2.1 - -
171 nested 1.0.0 - -
172 lottie 2.3.2 - -
173 crypto 3.0.3 - -
174 http_parser 4.0.2 - -
175 uuid 4.2.2 - -
176 dio 5.7.0 - -
177 clock 1.1.1 - -
178 http 0.13.6 - -
179 string_scanner 1.2.0 - -
180 event_bus 2.0.0 - -
181 rxdart 0.28.0 - -
182 platform 3.1.3 - -
183 logging 1.2.0 - -
184 tuple 2.0.2 - -
185 async 2.11.0 - -
186 path_drawing 1.0.1 - -
187 quiver 3.2.2 - -
188 flutter_cache_manager 3.3.2 - -
189 sqflite_common 2.4.5+1 - -
190 visibility_detector 0.4.0+2 - -
191 octo_image 2.0.0 - -
192 synchronized 3.1.0 - -
193 convert 3.1.1 - -
194 cached_network_image 3.2.3 - -
195 xml 6.3.0 - -
196 path_parsing 1.0.1 - -
197 flutter_svg 2.0.10+1 - -
198 petitparser 5.4.0 - -
199 photo_view 0.15.0 - -
200 flutter_swiper_null_safety 1.0.2 - -
201 scrollable_positioned_list 0.3.8 - -
202 flare_flutter 3.0.2 - -
203 table_calendar 3.0.9 - -
204 flutter_bloc 8.1.6 - -
205 pull_to_refresh 2.0.0 - -
206 qr_flutter 4.1.0 - -
207 qr 3.0.1 - -
208 fl_chart 0.62.0 - -
209 date_format 2.0.9 - -
210 auto_size_text 3.0.0 - -
211 bloc 8.1.4 - -
212 plume 0.1.4 - -
213 card_swiper 3.0.1 - -
214 dotted_border 2.1.0 - -
215 equatable 2.0.5 - -
216 rational 2.2.3 - -
217 executor 2.2.3 - -
218 safemap 2.1.0 - -
219 decimal 3.0.2 - -
220 simple_gesture_detector 0.2.1 - -
221 plugin_platform_interface 2.1.6 - -
222 animations 2.0.8 - -
223 cross_file 0.3.3+6 - -
224 flutter_blurhash 0.7.0 - -
225 globbing 0.3.1 - -
226 graphs 2.3.1 - -
  • 注意:状态为-表示为纯Dart库



  1. 引入pigeon库,在pubspec.yaml中dev_dependencies新增配置:
     url: ""
     path: "packages/pigeon"
  1. 项目根目录运行flutter pub get

  2. 项目根目录运行flutter pub run pigeon --input <dart通信模型文件路径> --arkts_out <arkts平台方法代码输出文件路径,示例./ohos/entry/src/main/ets/xxx.ets>


  1. 调用示例,参考packages/pigeon/example/app/ohos/entry/src/main/ets/plugins/MessagePlugin.ets

二、 插件库使用


  1. 在引用的项目中,pubspec.yaml中dependencies新增配置:
      url: ""
      path: "packages/path_provider/path_provider"

2、项目根目录运行flutter pub get;(ohos/entry/oh-package.json5会自动添加相关插件har依赖)





一、 运行 flutter pub get 遇到 "File name too long" 问题

打开Git Bash运行 cmd(需要将git添加到环境变量中),执行以下命令:

  git config --global core.longpaths true


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