This repository contains a public issue tracker for CKFinder 3.
Use the Issues link on the top to report issues in CKFinder 3 (and its documentation) or submit feature requests.
If you are unsure what information to provide when reporting a bug, check Reporting Issues.
In order to submit translations for CKFinder please use the ckfinder-translations repository.
CKFinder is composed of two parts: the client-side part and the server-side connector(s).
The client-side part is written in JavaScript and is common across all distributions (PHP and ASP.NET), while the server-side parts are different for each language. There are thus multiple CKFinder 3 documentation websites available.
This website contains documentation for the JavaScript, client-side part of CKFinder which is common for all versions of CKFinder 3. It includes information about:
- Integrating CKFinder with your website or with CKEditor.
- Client-side configuration options.
- API documentation.
- Tutorials about creating JavaScript plugins.
- Tutorials about creating skins.
CKFinder 3 for PHP Documentation
This website contains documentation for the PHP connector of CKFinder 3 and includes information about:
- Enabling the PHP connector.
- Configuring the PHP connector.
- Tutorials about creating PHP plugins.
CKFinder 3 for ASP.NET Documentation
This website contains documentation for the ASP.NET connector of CKFinder 3 and includes information about:
- Enabling the ASP.NET connector.
- Configuring the ASP.NET connector.
- Tutorials about creating ASP.NET plugins.
CKFinder 3 for Java Documentation
This website contains documentation for the Java connector of CKFinder 3 and includes information about:
- Enabling the Java connector.
- Configuring the Java connector.
- Tutorials about creating Java plugins.
Copyright (C) 2007-2019, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
To purchase a license for CKFinder visit the CKFinder website.