Hashicon-net is a .NET port of Hashicon. Generates a beautiful representation of any hash.
- .NET Standard 1.3 or higher
- .NET Framework 4.6 or higher
- .NET Core 1.0 or higher
using System.IO;
using Hashicon.Params;
using Hashicon;
string hash = "Hex Hash Text";
Param param = new Param();
using (MemoryStream image = Hashicon.GenerateAsStream(hash, param) as MemoryStream) {
// Stream Process //
using Hashicon.Params;
// These are the default values.
Param TestParam = new Param {
// size px (HiDPI/Retina aware)
Size = 100,
// RenderMode supported Png and Jpg
RenderMode = Enums.RenderModeEnum.Png,
// primary color range radius ( 0=red, 60=yellow, 120=green, ..., 360=red )
Hue = new Hue{
Max = 360,
Min = 0
// saturation ( 0=grey, 100=colorfull )
Saturation = new Saturation{
Max = 100,
Min = 70
// lightness ( 0=extremlydark, 50=optimal, 100=extremlybright )
Lightness = new Lightness{
Max = 65,
Min = 45
// hue variation for individual triangles
Variation = new Variation{
Max = 20,
Min = 5,
Enabled = true
// color shift from primary hue to secondary hue ( the pattern )
Shift = new Shift{
Max = 300,
Min = 60
// the pattern opacity
FigureAlpha = new FigureAlpha{
Max = 1.0,
Min = 0.7
// simulate a 3d cube by different areas gets some more/less light applyed
Light = new Light{
Top = 10,
Right = -8,
Left = -4,
Enabled = true,
string Base64Text = Hashicon.GenerateAsBase64(Hash, Param);
Hashicon-net is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Please see the licence file for more information.
-> https://github.com/Fairy-Phy/Hashicon-net/blob/master/LICENSE