Microservice used for handling trading signals in the tradersbit project. TradersBit is shut down and open sourced.
TradersBit is (was a) a marketplace for streams of Bitcoin trading signals.
Publishers create streams, send trading signals to streams, and sell subscriptions to streams. Publishing on TradersBit is completely free. Signals can be published through our website, API or by connecting your Bitfinex account. The API makes it possible to connect trading bots and other applications.
Statistics for each stream's performance are computed and displayed in the marketplace. Trading fees are incorporated in the statistics.
Subscribers can browse, filter and sort streams based on average monthly profit, average trade, and other indicators. When subscribing to a stream, users can receive signals via email or have the signaled trades automatically executed through their own Bitfinex accounts.
The publishers of the streams will set the monthly subscription fee. Upon selling subscriptions, publishers will earn 70 percent of the subscription fees. We get the remaining 30 percent. TradersBit earns profits only when the publishers make profits, so our respective interests are the same.
Upon the reception of a trading signal, we simulate the trade (including trading fees). As a result of this, there is no way for the publishers to manipulate statistics.
There is no social interaction in this marketplace because the statistics and trading signals speak for themselves. This way, subscribers will not be scammed easily. A subscriber should not need to know or care whether signals are sent manually by a teenager, an MBA graduate or automatically generated by a trading bot. At TradersBit, the streams and statistics matter, not the people behind them.
TradersBit will also host trading competitions. For instance, most profitable streams last 30 days, etc., with rewards in Bitcoins.
- tradersbit.com - the webpage
- tb-front - serverless REST API
- tb-back - serverless backend (not accessed directly by users)
- tb-signals - microservice for handling incoming trading signals
- tb-streams - microservice for handling stats for streams of trading signals
- POST: /streams/'streamID'/signals body: -1,0 or 1 => the signal
- GET: /streams/'streamID'/signals? (optional URL-params: onlyClosed, fromId, toId, afterTime, beforeTime and lastN (see combinations at the bottom of this page)) => all signals
- GET: /streams/'streamID'/status => last signal
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID (default 'none')
AWS_SECRET_KEY (default 'none')
AWS_SNS_REGION (default 'none')
AWS_DYNAMO_REGION (default 'none')
SERVICE_APIKEY (default 'none')
LOG_LEVEL (default 'DEBUG')
optional(initialized for testing and automatically provided by AWS):
RDS_PASSWORD_NEW (OBS: must be set!)
Local if runing docker: localhost
One time setup:
boot2docker init
VBoxManage modifyvm "boot2docker-vm" --natpf1 "postgres-port,tcp,,5432,,5432" #osx specific bind (local) # set postgres to "listen on *" and "host all all trust"
Setup on each shell:
boot2docker start
eval "$(boot2docker shellinit)"
One time setup:
cd docker
eb init (then select environment etc...)
-test-u (unit)
-test-s (service)
-run-l (run locally)
-build (builds an artifact and place it in the docker folder and after that build the docker container)
-deploy-s (deploy on staging)
-test-s-s (service tests against staging)
-deploy-p (deploy in production)
onlyClosed => signals for all closed trades (the last signal is CLOSE)
fromId, toId => signals between (not including)
afterTime, beforeTime => signals between (not including)
afterId => signals newer the signal with 'afterId' (not including)
toId => signals older the 'toId' (not including)
afterTime => signals newer then 'afterTime' (not including)
beforeTime => signal older then 'beforeTime' (not including)
lastN => returns the last n number of signals
listen_addresses = '*'
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local all all trust
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all trust
# IPv6 local connections:
host all all ::1/128 trust
host all all trust
# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
# replication privilege.
#local replication sogasg trust
#host replication sogasg trust
#host replication sogasg ::1/128 trust
With problems: RESTART COMPUTER ;P
This project requires Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength to run. Error: ava.security.InvalidKeyException: Illegal key size or default parameters means JCE is missing.