Author: @carlogilmar
Project made for Spawnfest 2019 🇲🇽
"Discover my project" is about to get information from a Repo URL. The idea behind this is analize an Open Source project for know more about his development history and understand how this project was built. For this I tried to analize two information sources: the git data, and the github api. I want to build a platform for generate open source development process based on their version control history for learn more about how this developers are writting software.
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Install Node.js dependencies with
cd assets && npm install
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
I implemented a git hook for add some valuable tools, so please for development then to clone this repo, run the script. This script will install a pre-push git hook in this repo.
The main goal for this hook is run credo before to make a push to the remote repository, if there are some credo suggestions, the push will be stopped, if you don't have suggestions the push will be uploaded.
I made this for ensure quality in the code analysis made by Credo
The main goal is explore an open source project through the git data and the github information. It's inspired in Git Stats Ruby Gem.
The main flow is represented by the follow illustration:
The main flow was wrote in core.ex
Then to run the phoenix server, open http://localhost:4000/
I choosed the Phoenix Live Views as the repo for test the main flow, you can try it too!
Then you will have the analysis:
- GitHub Repo Information (org image, repo full name, description, default branch, and language)
- Branches in repo
- Contributors in repo
- More useful words in commits
- More useful words in issues GitHub
- More useful words in PR GitHub
- GitHub Contributors
- Commits frequency by day %
- Heapmat frequency by hour in day
- Cloning a repo from a https git url
- Get all commits as structs
- Get more useful words from commits structs
- Get the list of branches in the cloned repo
- Generate the commits frequency by day
- Generate the % by commits made in day
- Get info from the GitHub API
- Get Issues, PR, contributors and repo info from GitHub API
- Get more useful words from issues
- Get more useful words from PR
- Get commits frequency by author
- Get commits frequency by branch
- Get commits frequency by month
- Generate the workflow chart for show the repo construction
- Analize the words used in commits vs words used in PR vs words used in issues
- Add railway pattern for validate errors when the api don't response
- Add more validations for get a valid url
- Accept more platforms: GitLab, etc...