A Xamarin.Forms version of the Runkeeper app to prove you can create goodlooking UI with Xamarin.Forms as talked about in my blogpost on: https://www.thewissen.io/xamarin-forms-ui-runkeeper/
- FreshMvvm – Simple MVVM framework – https://github.com/rid00z/FreshMvvm
- FFImageLoading – Caching and transforming images – https://github.com/luberda-molinet/FFImageLoading
- CarouselView – Carousel control for Xamarin Forms – https://github.com/alexrainman/CarouselView
- Xamarin Forms Maps – Maps control for Xamarin Forms – https://www.nuget.org/packages/Xamarin.Forms.Maps
- Xam.Plugin.Geolocator - Geolocator to get our current position - https://github.com/jamesmontemagno/GeolocatorPlugin
- Xamarin Forms Toolkit - Some handy things, especially the MessagingService - https://github.com/jamesmontemagno/xamarin.forms-toolkit
- Corcav Behaviors - Some basic behaviors for ListView - https://github.com/corradocavalli/Corcav.Behaviors
- LiveXAML – Live simulator updates for your XAML code – http://www.livexaml.com
On the left hand side we have the actual app, on the right hand side the Xamarin Forms version: