These box definitions are for automatic building using veewee .
Built and released as Vagrant box on Atlas
The definitions are roughly based on , which in turn are based on stock veewee definitions for a minimal CentOS installation, with the following changes:
- Additional reboot to use installed current kernel and allow successful VBoxAddons build
- Added packages required by Oracle XE install
- More memmory by default (1G)
- Swap as required by Oracle 2048MB
- Disabled IPv6
- Disabled firewall
- Enabled HTTP access beyond localhost
- Definition contains also db_init.sql with more commented out optimizations for lighter Oracle instance
- Removed chef & puppet
$ veewee vbox build CentOS-6.3-x86_64-minimal
# Halt the VM before vagrant boxing to prevent generated ssh key replacing default vagrant key
$ veewee vbox halt CentOS-6.3-x86_64-minimal
$ vagrant package --base CentOS-6.3-x86_64-minimal --output