Some useful projects that I developed, maintaining or contributed:
- IntelliJ Idea plugins
- Idea JOL - a plugin that shows an object layout in memory to help optimize it. Uses OpenJDK JOL
- Idea JMH - a plugin to run OpenJDK JMH benchmarks directly from Idea.
- Idea JMeter
- Idea Mike's extensions - a few inspections for Java and Android.
- Singleton Inspection - a simple plugin with inspection for Singleton pattern. Useful to learn hot to make inspections.
- Self-hosting
- Yurt Page - a selfhosting at home on cheapest devices like a router
- WebDAV - a file sharing made easy
- Awesome WebDAV - a curated list of software and articles that may use WebDAV.
- Unofficial WebDAV support team - a place to organize support and discussions.
- WebDAV browser extension
- WebDAV with curl for scripts and command line
- Golang micro libraries
- go-str2bytes - string to byte slices without alloc by using unsafe
- go-logger-noalloc - a suckless logger that avoids mem allocs.
- go-http-server-basic-auth - a middleware for http server to make a simple auth.
- go-gzip-buf-file - create a gzip file, useful for logging. small lists or maps
- go-http-body - read request body and close it.
- Golang projects
- go-qrcode-libs-compare - a test project to check QR code libraries
- go-tcp-proxy - to make a port mirroring.
- ctop - a top like GUI for Docker
- deflate - a CLI tool to compress to Deflate instead of gzip
- Ubuntu PPA with OpenWrt programs
- Pidgin FChat plugin - a suckless serverless UDP based chat messenger for local network.
- Samples and tutorials for Java Juniors
- Portfolio and test assignments
- sensord - Test assignment for Senior Golang Developer
- golang-parallel-downloader - live coding task from interview for Senior Golang developer
- ports-service - Test assignment for Senior Golang Developer
- RPN calculator Test assignment for Senior Java Developer
- player-level-service - Test assignment for Senior Java Developer
- beer for a programmer - live coding task in Groovy and Spock
- Gist samples, instructions, scripts
- Cryptography GUI tools: OpenSSL GUI, keys management, PKI, PGP/GPG GUI
- CGI bin script samples
- Emojis that may be used instead of an icon for applications
- good floats finite IEEE-754 that are always equals. Useful for testing.
- Binary Search on x8085 ASM
- to avoid basic XSS
- Games
- iGeniuous an arcade game in JS
I'm available for a job:
- LinkedIn feel free to add me on LinkedIn
- Resume/CV: on Google Docs, resume.json
- Email: [email protected]
- XMPP (Jabber): [email protected] or [email protected]
- Matrix:
- Telegram: @stokito
My sites:
- Blog
- Homepage
- Odysee channel