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Clarivate APIs

Peter Mangiafico edited this page Oct 4, 2023 · 17 revisions

Summary of Clarivate APIs

The Web Services Expanded API

This API is intended to search for publications by other criteria


  • I want to know which publications have been authored by Russ Altman, the response will include the WosIDs and most of the metadata for those records.

Documentation for the older SOAP based API:

Documentation for the REST based API:

Web of Sciences Expanded API Notes

  • DOI search (via DO search parameter)
    1. Case insensitive
    2. Partial matches are returned (i.e. a partial DOI search can return more than one entry)
  • For the name searching, add the additional variant of Last Name, FirstInitialMiddleInitial (e.g. Smith, AJ). You can also use the “*” as a wildcard, but that could produce some false hits, so adding the extra variant will help find all pubs. Using just the full first name will unfortunately miss papers before 2008 I believe, since prior to 2008, WoS only used author first and middle initial, not full names. So older papers will be missed as well. It is a fine balance, but any sort of ID, either ORCID or ResearcherID would help here.
  • Load Time Span parameter. The loadTimeSpan element defines a range of load dates. This is the date when a record was added to a database. If loadTimeSpan is omitted, then the maximum publication date time span will be inferred from the editions data.
    • The documented values are strings: '1W', '2W', '4W' (prior to today)
    • the actual values it accepts are any value of "ND" for 1 < N < ?, "NW" for 1 < N < 53, or "NY" for 1 <= N < 10...basically going back a certain number of days, weeks or years
  • If you want to just get WosUIDs for not full records, you need to issue two queries. Basically, issue a normal query as you would for full records, but use a count of 0 (e.g. add count=0 to the query, thus request no results). The response will include a QueryID like this:
      <map name="QueryResult">
          <val name="QueryID">17</val>
          <val name="RecordsSearched">389159</val>
          <val name="RecordsFound">25</val>

You then take this QueryID and make a call to /recordids/{queryId} with the QueryID. This will return just the Wos UIDs.