The easier way to parsing command-line flag in Golang, also building a command line app.
It can also provides shell-like interactives by using readline (demo: flagly-shell)
go get
type Config struct {
Verbose bool `name:"v" desc:"be more verbose"`
Name string `type:"[0]"`
func NewConfig() *Config {
var cfg Config
return &cfg
func main() {
cfg := NewConfig()
fmt.Printf("config: %+v\n", cfg)
source file: flagly-binding
$ go install
$ flagly-binding -v name
config: &{Verbose:true Name:name}
type Git struct {
Version bool `name:"v" desc:"show version"`
// sub handlers
Clone *GitClone `flagly:"handler"`
Init *GitInit `flagly:"handler"`
type GitClone struct {
Parent *Git `flagly:"parent"`
Verbose bool `name:"v" desc:"be more verbose"`
Quiet bool `name:"q" desc:"be more quiet"`
Progress bool `name:"progress" desc:"force progress reporting"`
Template string `arg:"template-directory"`
Repo string `name:"[0]"`
Dir string `name:"[1]" default:""`
func (g *GitClone) FlaglyHandle() error {
if g.Repo == "" {
return flagly.ErrShowUsage
fmt.Printf("git clone %+v %+v\n", g.Parent, g)
return nil
func (g *GitClone) FlaglyDesc() string {
return "Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one"
type GitInit struct {
Quiet bool `name:"q" desc:"be quiet"`
func (g *GitInit) FlaglyDesc() string {
return "Clone a repository into a new directory"
func main() {
var git Git
source file: flagly-git
$ go install
$ flagly-git
usage: flagly-git [option] <command>
-v show version
-h show help
clone Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one
init Clone a repository into a new directory
$ flagly-get -v clone -h
usage: flagly-git [flagly-git option] clone [option] [--] <repo> [<dir>]
-v be more verbose
-q be more quiet
-progress force progress reporting
-template <template-directory>
directory from which templates will be used
-h show help
flagly-git options:
-v show version
-h show help
$ flagly-git -v clone repoName
git clone
&{Version:true Clone:<nil> Init:<nil> Add:<nil>}
&{Parent:0xc20801e220 Verbose:false Quiet:false Progress:false Template: Repo:repoName Dir:}
If you have any questions, please submit a github issue and any pull requests is welcomed :)