Simple smart contracts for free betting on foosball matches results.
Uses zeppelin-solidity for base ERC20 token implementation.
Truffle Framework
npm install -g truffle
Ganache CLI
npm install -g ganache-cli
- ERC20 mintable token "FOO" for betting purposescontracts/Game.sol
- the initialization point and contract where users can register to obtain 1000 FOOcontracts/Match.sol
- model for a match, holding the data, result and bets; settles the bets as wellcontracts/MatchFactory.sol
- allows anybody to create a matchmigrations/2_deploy_game.js
- creates a Game contract which creates all other necessary contracts
npm install
- install dependencies. -
truffle compile
- (optional) compile the contracts. -
ganache-cli -m "category all reduce guess speed cradle inherit valley gap gasp federal junior"
- run the local Ethereum test node with predefined seed so that importing MetaMask accounts can be done only once. -
truffle migrate
- deploy the contracts. -
Note the Game smart contract address and put it into
in the UI:Running migration: 2_deploy_game.js Deploying Game... ... 0x83fb3d7d279f7b9d939dc6e84347f5f79eb82d3b35b710c9b2429c47da4b7d36 Game: 0x4dffc407e3d65e8cccfeb73661fc62e559cccde5
Import these seed words into MetaMask to use accounts that are pre-loaded with ETH:
category all reduce guess speed cradle inherit valley gap gasp federal junior