Tool to export jmx data into file,... JMX data can come from local JVM or a remote JVM
java -jar jmx-exporter ...
The application export data to stdout (System.out) and log into stderr (System.err), so common usage can be
java -jar jmx-exporter 2> /tmp/jmx-monitor0.log 1> /tmp/
Some sample shell script are provide in the zip archive (
Configuration is read from property file (see If there are several configuration files, each configuration will run independently, so several application or several export can be run in a single run.
System properties can define and override any configuration define in property file, they can be used for shared configuration.
The minimal property to define is "jmx.metrics" that list info to retrieve.
with CloudWatch
with CloudWatch command line tool
Configure (in property file) the cloudwatch properties and set exporter exporter.class=io.dable.jmx.Exporter4CloudwatchCli
with CloudWatch java SDK
You need to provide jar from AWS SDK for java (1.2.0) into the classpath.
Configure (in property file) the cloudwatch properties and set exporter exporter.class=io.dable.jmx.Exporter4CloudwatchAsyncClient
- Want a bulk request (or at least several request per connection)