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Flash Services

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The services that can be shown on a Flash dashboard. Includes the service update code and any custom templates not available in the core Flash package.


Documentation is available on Read the Docs.

Available services

The following service definitions include the configuration options:

  • buddy - for CI builds on Buddy
    • api_token (required - a valid token for the Buddy API)
    • domain (required - the domain of the Buddy project)
    • pipeline_id (required - the ID of the Buddy pipeline)
    • project_name (required - the name of the Buddy project)
  • circleci - for CI builds on CircleCI
    • api_token (required - a valid token for the Circle CI API)
    • vcs_type (required - the name of the service the project is accessed via, e.g. 'github')
    • username (required - the name of the account the project is in, e.g. "textbook")
    • project (required - the name of the project repository within that account, e.g. "flash")
    • branch (required - the name of the branch to show builds from, e.g. "main")
  • codeship - for CI builds on Codeship
    • api_token (required)
    • project_id (required)
  • coveralls - for coverage reporting on Coveralls (currently only supports open-source builds)
    • vcs_name (required - the name of the service the project is accessed via, e.g. 'github')
    • account (required - the name of the account the project is in, e.g. "textbook")
    • repo (required - the name of the project repository within that account, e.g. "flash")
    • ok_threshold (the minimum coverage level to show as an OK state, defaults to 80%)
    • neutral_threshold (the minimum coverage level to show as a neutral state, defaults to 50%)
  • gh_issues - for issues and PRs in project repositories on GitHub
    • password (required - a GitHub API token)
    • username (required - the username for the token)
    • account (required - the name of the account the project is in, e.g. "textbook")
    • repo (required - the name of the project repository within that account, e.g. "flash")
    • neutral_threshold (the maximum half life to show as a neutral state, in days, defaults to 30)
    • ok_threshold (the maximum half life to show as an OK state, in days, defaults to 7)
  • ghe_issues - for issues and PRs in project repositories on GitHub Enterprise installations
    • root (required - the root URL for the enterprise API)
    • password (required - a GitHub API token)
    • username (required - the username for the token)
    • account (required - the name of the account the project is in, e.g. "textbook")
    • repo (required - the name of the project repository within that account, e.g. "flash")
    • neutral_threshold (the maximum half life to show as a neutral state, in days, defaults to 30)
    • ok_threshold (the maximum half life to show as an OK state, in days, defaults to 7)
  • gh_actions - for Actions in project repositories on GitHub
    • password (required - a GitHub API token)
    • username (required - the username for the token)
    • account (required - the name of the account the project is in, e.g. "textbook")
    • repo (required - the name of the project repository within that account, e.g. "flash")
  • ghe_actions - for Actions in project repositories on GitHub Enterprise installations
    • root (required - the root URL for the enterprise API)
    • password (required - a GitHub API token)
    • username (required - the username for the token)
    • account (required - the name of the account the project is in, e.g. "textbook")
    • repo (required - the name of the project repository within that account, e.g. "flash")
  • github - for project repositories on GitHub
    • password (required - a GitHub API token)
    • username (required - the username for the token)
    • account (required - the name of the account the project is in, e.g. "textbook")
    • repo (required - the name of the project repository within that account, e.g. "flash")
    • branch (the name of the branch to show commits from, defaulting to the repository's default branch, which is usually master)
  • github_enterprise - for project repositories on GitHub Enterprise installations
    • root (required - the root URL for the enterprise API)
    • password (required - a GitHub API token)
    • username (required - the username for the token)
    • account (required - the name of the account the project is in, e.g. "textbook")
    • repo (required - the name of the project repository within that account, e.g. "flash")
    • branch (the name of the branch to show commits from, defaulting to the repository's default branch, which is usually master)
  • jenkins - for CI builds on Jenkins instances.
    • username (required)
    • password (required)
    • root (required - the root URL for the Jenkins instance)
    • job (required - the name of the job, which must match the job URL)
  • tracker - for projects on Pivotal Tracker
    • api_token (required)
    • project_id (required)
  • travis - for public CI builds on Travis CI (.org).
    • account (required)
    • app (required)
  • travis_pro - for private CI builds on Travis CI (.com)
    • account (required)
    • api_token (required - see Travis API docs for details)
    • app (required)

Writing a service

The idea behind this package is to make it easier to add new service providers to Flash. Each new service should subclass Service (or one of its more specific children, where appropriate) from the file. The mix-in classes in can be used to implement authentication to the service API endpoint as needed (currently both header and query parameter token validation are supported).

  • Create a new Service subclass, or use one of the pre-provided subclasses for continuous integration or version control systems;
  • Use the mix-ins from and to add any required authentication, custom root setting and/or health thresholds;
  • Define the ROOT service URL (used for all requests) and ENDPOINT URL template (which will be filled in with attributes defined on the service instance) - for many cases, the default update implementation will do what you need it to based on these;
  • Define any additional REQUIRED configuration parameters on the class (note that __init__ keyword arguments without default values and any required parameters defined in superclasses will be added automatically);
  • Define any PROVIDED configuration parameters (i.e. those that other classes require that your class provides - see BasicAuthHeaderMixin for an example);
  • Set the appropriate TEMPLATE for it (if not a standard template, add it to templates/partials - use the Jinja2 templating language), and note that the service data will be exposed to the template as service_data for the initial load data binding and for clients without JavaScript;
  • Set the FRIENDLY_NAME, for display in the top-left of each pane, if not the same as the class name;
  • Register the service in both SERVICES objects, using the same key:
    • in Python (; and
    • in JavaScript (static/scripts/services.js, where any service-specific client-side behaviour should also be placed).


The services that can be shown on a Flash dashboard.







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