vim configuration and commands
step 1. run on terminal : Refring
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
step 2. create a .vimrc file in home directory > put basic vim cofig(can be used this repo .vimrc content) > open vim in terminal > press : > write plug (to check for more plug option press tab) > finaly use plugInstall to install plugin
Press d to cut y to copy p to paste -vim
> for indent and < for unindent in command mode
ctrl+T for indent and ctrl+D for unindent in insert mode
v+arrow key to select any where
F2 to open project tree
Crtl x and then o to autocomplete
======Delete space vim=======
delete space vim folder and uninstalled successfully
curl -sLf | bash -s -- --uninstall
Useful commands
How to close Vim
:q to quit
:q! to force quit
:wq to save and quit
Command Actions
d : delete
i : insert
p : put / paste
y : yank / copy
x : cut
u : undo
di: delete inside*, yi : yank inside*
v : visual / selection
/ : search
% : parentheses matching, developers rejoice!
:s : substitute! In other words, find-replace on steroids
To delete the current line: dd
To copy the current line: yy
w : beginning of next word (we’ve seen this before!)
e : ending of current word
b : beginning of previous word
$ : end of line
0 : beginning of line
G : end of file
nG : jump to line number n
) : jump forward a sentence
} : jump forward a paragraph
Split screen
:vsplit <filename>
To cycle between screen-splits: <ctrl-w> <ctrl-w>
You can close windows as you normally do (:q), or —
:only — to close all other windows
=> indent
in command mode select using presing v and arrow key and press =
in insert mode press ctrl t and ctrl d