The Simple programming language
simple is a easy to learn and flexible programming language based on the source code of the Ring programming language ring-lang Compiler & VM by Mahmoud Fayed
Platform / Architecture | Build Status |
Windows (7, 8, 10, ...) | |
Linux (2.6.18 or later) | |
OSX (10.7 Lion or later) | |
Android (SDK 16 or later) | |
Android Termux | |
simple provide self sufficent platform scripts for some of the platform below for building simple successfully with less or no effort at all. The scripts are here. Each script has the following options to customize your build or avoid building a failing section.
-c --configure configure your system for simple successful build
-i --install install simple on your system
-b --build-dir manually enter folder to install simple
-u --uninstall uninstall simple from your system
-d --debug create a distributable version in ..\..\ source directory
x86 --32-bit build 32 bit version of simple
x64 --64-bit build 64 bit version of simple
-t --temp keep the */dist/ folder(s) in source tree
-h --help print this help message
-min --minify minify all modules sources (Not Recommended for Debug Purpose)
-so --simple-only build only simple.exe, simplew.exe and libsimple.dll
-do --dep-only build only the dependencies
-io --include-only copy only the simple include files
-mo --modules-only copy only the standard modules
-yo --dymodules-only build only the dynamic modules
-eo --environment-only build only the environment programs
If you just clone this repository you should first configure your system for a successful building by using the -c flag, this process requires internet connection because all dependencies will be downloaded with an execption to Windows which has no particular libraries location.
Download this repository and extract to a working folder or clone this repository into a working folder using git
$ git clone
After downloading simple source from either methods listed above, continue with the instruction for your platform below.
- Building on Linux
- Building on OSX
- Building on Windows
- Building on Android
- Building on Android Termux
For the first time using the script configure your building enviroment
$ cd build
$ sudo bash ./ -c
Proceed to install simple on your system and start using from any directory. After it complete you can execute sim scripts from any folder
$ sudo bash ./ x64 -i
If you wish to debug simple build or try it before installing in your system executable space use the -d flag. Note : this will allow more debugging flag in simple such that you can debug upto the VM Stack level
$ sudo bash ./ x64 -d
After running the command above simple will be installed in the same directory you clone simple source into in the following format s$Version-debug
- simple
- build
- s$Version-debug
- bin
For the first time using the script configure your building enviroment
$ cd build
$ sudo bash ./ -c
Proceed to install simple on your system and start using from any directory. After it complete you can execute sim scripts from any folder
$ sudo bash ./ x64 -i
If you wish to debug simple build or try it before installing in your system executable space use the -d flag. Note : this will allow more debugging flag in simple such that you can debug upto the VM Stack level
$ sudo bash ./ x64 -d
It obvious windows does not have a central base for dependencies like the *nix oses, all the dependencies such as curl, openssl, fltk, will have to be manually download and added to a global directory where windows could find them at compile time, this dependencies are only for the dynamic modules and does not affect the main simple executable and shared library also other dynamic modules does not need these dependencies and can be built independently.
simple currently uses the MinGW toolchain that can be downloaded here, add the directory where gcc and make is to your environment path.
Proceed to install simple on your system and start using from any directory. After it complete you can execute sim scripts from any folder
$ ./Windows-Build.bat x64 -i -so
If you wish to debug simple build or try it before installing in your system executable space use the -d flag. Note : this will allow more debugging flag in simple such that you can debug upto the VM Stack level
$ ./Windows-Build.bat x64 -d -so
After running the command above simple will be installed in the same directory you clone simple source into in the following format s$Version-debug
- simple
- build
- s$Version-debug
- bin
This require the following dependencies
Read full instruction on building your first android app with simple-lang here
Termux is a free and open code app that simulates the command shell used in Linux. By doing so, you can introduce all the usual commands and work comfortably from your Android device.
All simple section compiles fine on the termux app and you can test all the source file scripts in the examples folder with exception for the fulltick module with build is still under way.
For the first time using the script configure your building enviroment
$ cd build
$ bash ./ -c
Proceed to install simple on your system and start using from any directory. After it complete you can execute sim scripts from any folder
$ bash ./ x64 -i
If you wish to debug simple build or try it before installing in your system executable space use the -d flag. Note : this will allow more debugging flag in simple such that you can debug upto the VM Stack level
$ sudo bash ./ x64 -d
After running the command above simple will be installed in working home directory in termux ~/
$ cd ~/
$ cd s$Version-debug/bin/
This project is still so much in it infancy, unexpected failure, seg-faults, errors should be expected therefore it not advisable to build seroius project in it. But if you build something cool with it or a usefull module you can share with the community on Twitter @thesimplelang or write to [email protected]. And also we love issues if it make the project better here.
We love contributors. This is an open source project and needs the supports of the community extensively. Check out the contributing guide
MIT License Copyright (c) 2018 simple Built with ❤️ in Nigeria