A homebrew formula to install the thin-edge.io binaries on MacOS (x86_64 and aarch64).
The goal of installing thin-edge.io on MacOS is not to have a fully functional thin-edge.io installation, but it is more to be able to let MacOS users to run the binaries natively to assist with development and experiments without having to install a container.
The formula is automatically updated to the last thin-edge.io version in the main branch (e.g. not the official version). Upon the next thin-edge.io release (~1.1.0), the formula can be updated to use the official release (since some code changes were required to compile thin-edge.io for MacOS targets).
Install thin-edge.io using the following commands:
brew tap thin-edge/tedge
brew install tedge
Make sure you read the console output after installing thin-edge.io as it will help guide you how to run each of the different components (based on your context!).
Below is an example of the output when run on MacOS with Apple Silicon (M*):
thin-edge.io has been installed with a default configuration file.
You can make changes to the configuration by editing:
You need to manually edit the mosquitto configuration to add the following line:
sh -c 'echo include_dir /opt/homebrew/etc/tedge/mosquitto-conf >> "/opt/homebrew/etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf"'
The following components can be started manually using:
export TEDGE_CONFIG_DIR=/opt/homebrew/etc/tedge
/opt/homebrew/bin/tedge config set c8y.url "example.c8y.io"
export TEDGE_CONFIG_DIR=/opt/homebrew/etc/tedge
export TEDGE_CONFIG_DIR=/opt/homebrew/etc/tedge
/opt/homebrew/bin/tedge-mapper c8y
You can check the installed version by using the following command:
tedge --version
You can install the latest pre-release version (which is built from the main branch of the project). This is useful if you want to try out the new features as soon as they've been merged and not have to wait until the next release.
It's best to also install official version as well as you still need to run the same post installation instructions on the first time, so be sure to follow the on-screen instructions when installing any homebrew packages.
Install the latest pre-release version using:
brew tap thin-edge/tedge
brew install tedge-main
If you've previously install the tedge
package then after the installation you'll need to unlink the tedge
package and then link the tedge-main
package (though both packages provide the tedge
binary, hence why we're linking/unlinking things in homebrew).
brew unlink tedge; brew link tedge-main
If you want to switch back to the official release (and you have the tedge
package installed), then run:
brew unlink tedge-main; brew link tedge
You can manually test the homebrew formula by checking out the project, and then running:
HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_FROM_API=1 brew install --verbose --build-from-source Formula/tedge.rb
Or if you have already installed the package, then you need to run reinstall
HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_FROM_API=1 brew reinstall --verbose --build-from-source Formula/tedge.rb