Note: The login won't work anymore due to the switch to SMA ID.
Currently, it downloads the CSV for the current day for the SMA Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS.
- Install NodeJS v14 or later
$ git clone
$ cd sunnyportal-csv-downloader
$ npm install
Please set your SMA credentials in the file credentials.original.ts and rename the file to credentials.ts. The file should look the following code:
export const SMA_USERNAME = '[email protected]'; // the email address for
export const SMA_PASSWORD = 'your-password'; // your password
export const SMA_PLANT_ID = 123456789; // the plant ID
$ npm run cypress
$ npm run cypress:gui
MIT License
Copyright © 2020-2021 Thorsten Rinne
Made with ❤️ and ☕️