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Deploy via terminal

user edited this page Feb 16, 2023 · 6 revisions

Deploying Ultraviolet through a terminal is made easy.


We don't support versions of NodeJS that are older than LTS. Running newer non-LTS versions may lead to weird behavior, however it should still work.

NodeJS LTS is currently 18.x. NodeJS 16 is unsupported and should not be used.

The version of NodeJS that your package manager provides may be severely outdated and vulnerable. Use NodeSource instead.

If you opened this repository in Replit:

  • skip the clone step, start at install
  • use the Replit terminal instead of the console by selecting "Shell" under tools or selecting the "Shell" tab in the Replit terminal


  1. Clone

    git clone
    cd Ultraviolet-App
  2. Install

    npm install

    If this takes long, you may attempt to omit dev dependencies:

    npm install --omit=dev
  3. Start

    Once dependencies are installed, select the "Run" button on Replit or run:

    npm start

    Alternatively, run on a port:

    PORT=8080 npm start

    You can stop it at any time by pressing CTRL + C

What's next?

If you aren't using Replit, you may want to explore: