Written for Darwin Tree of Life chromosomal level genome assemblies. The executable takes a fasta formatted file and calculates some statistics of interest in windows:
- GC content
- GC proportion
- GC and AT skew
- Proportion of G's, C's, A's, T's, N's, and CpG's
- Shannon entropy
- Di/tri/tetranucleotide shannon diversity
- Di/tri/tetranucleotide frequency arrays
Output files can be visualised using fw_plot or grouped using fw_group.
The easiest way to get fasta_windows
is through conda/bioconda.
conda create -n fasta_windows -c bioconda fasta_windows
Fasta windows 0.2.3
Max Brown <[email protected]>
Quickly compute statistics over a fasta file in windows.
fasta_windows [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --fasta <fasta> --output <output>
-d, --description Add an extra column to _windows.tsv output with fasta header descriptions.
-h, --help Prints help information
-m, --masked Consider only uppercase nucleotides in the calculations.
-V, --version Prints version information
-f, --fasta <fasta> The input fasta file.
-o, --output <output> Output filename for the TSV's (without extension).
-w, --window_size <window_size> Integer size of window for statistics to be computed over. [default: 1000]
Building requires Rust.
git clone https://github.com/tolkit/fasta_windows
cd fasta_windows
cargo build --release
# ./target/release/fasta_windows is the executable
# show help
./target/release/fasta_windows --help
The default window size is 1kb.
Output is now a tsv with bed-like format in the first three columns:
ID start end GC_prop GC_skew AT_skew Shannon_entropy Prop_Gs Prop_Cs Prop_As Prop_Ts Prop_Ns CpG_prop Dinucleotide_Shannon Trinucleotide_Shannon Tetranucleotide_Shannon
OV656674.1 0 1000 0.533 -0.088 -0.006 1.994 0.243 0.290 0.232 0.235 0.000 0.070 3.963 5.825 7.474
OV656674.1 1000 2000 0.645 0.048 0.025 1.937 0.338 0.307 0.182 0.173 0.000 0.120 3.862 5.751 7.526
OV656674.1 2000 3000 0.579 0.022 0.012 1.982 0.296 0.283 0.213 0.208 0.000 0.106 3.940 5.871 7.653
OV656674.1 3000 4000 0.541 0.039 -0.020 1.994 0.281 0.260 0.225 0.234 0.000 0.081 3.980 5.926 7.763
OV656674.1 4000 5000 0.585 0.084 -0.075 1.974 0.317 0.268 0.192 0.223 0.000 0.104 3.917 5.801 7.568
OV656674.1 5000 6000 0.529 -0.096 -0.006 1.994 0.239 0.290 0.234 0.237 0.000 0.068 3.938 5.740 7.297
OV656674.1 6000 7000 0.576 -0.118 0.075 1.976 0.254 0.322 0.228 0.196 0.000 0.079 3.948 5.884 7.666
OV656674.1 7000 8000 0.526 -0.004 0.084 1.996 0.262 0.264 0.257 0.217 0.000 0.065 3.975 5.903 7.692
OV656674.1 8000 9000 0.430 -0.093 0.088 1.980 0.195 0.235 0.310 0.260 0.000 0.054 3.955 5.899 7.719
Also output (non-optional at the moment), are three more TSV's, which are the arrays of di/tri/tetranucleotide frequencies in each window. These files are large, especially as tetranucleotide frequencies will contain 4e4 columns. The kmers are sorted lexicographically from left -> right (AA(AA) to TT(TT)).
e.g. for dinucleotide frequencies:
OV656674.1 0 1000 74 65 47 46 38 99 70 83 58 65 68 52 62 60 58 54
OV656674.1 1000 2000 36 54 58 33 49 89 120 49 75 101 97 65 22 63 62 26
OV656674.1 2000 3000 62 46 68 37 45 74 106 58 64 93 67 71 41 70 55 42
OV656674.1 3000 4000 55 56 55 59 61 59 81 58 70 73 72 66 39 71 73 51
OV656674.1 4000 5000 35 58 45 54 46 53 104 64 83 87 80 67 28 70 87 38
OV656674.1 5000 6000 81 71 42 40 29 106 68 87 56 60 71 51 68 53 58 58
OV656674.1 6000 7000 57 74 58 39 78 96 79 68 56 87 64 47 37 64 53 42
OV656674.1 7000 8000 81 45 79 52 63 74 65 62 69 82 59 52 44 62 59 51
OV656674.1 8000 9000 103 71 49 87 70 57 54 54 59 44 40 51 78 62 52 68
As of version 0.2.2, I've removed canonical kmers as an option; it was really computationally expensive and I couldn't think of a way to efficienty add it in. End users that wish this are pointed in the direction of fw_group, which will at some point soon provide this functionality.
The masked (-m) flag only affects GC content, GC proportion, GC and AT skew, proportion of G's, C's, A's, T's, N's, CpG's. Kmers are coerced to uppercase automatically. Shannon index counts only uppercase nucleotides.
Please use, test, and let me know if there are any bugs or features you want implemented. Either raise an issue, or email me (see email in usage).