Check our issues here or on Huboard
###Install Brew
First make sure you have npm installed, if not install it according to the instructions here:
###Install the project
Checkout the project from
and then go into the open-budget directory and run these in the command line:
$ cd open-budget
$ npm install
$ sudo npm install -g bower
$ bower update
$ sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
$ patch -p0 < bootstrap-rtl.less.patch
$ grunt
$ grunt serve
(tested on Windows XP SP3, Windows 7)
###Install git
If you don't already have git installed, get it at:
###Install node.js (includes npm)
Get the Windows installer from:
###Fix up npm
(This section handles a known issue with npm, see npm/npm#6106)
Open Git Bash. Run:
$ npm
If you get an error that looks like:
ENOENT, stat '<some directory>\npm'
Then run this command:
$ mkdir "%APPDATA%\npm"
###Install the project
Same instructions as under OS X above (only without 'sudo').