A seed project with spring boot for AngularJS, AngularJs Material, Thymeleaf, RESTful API, MySQL and admin panel based on AdminLTE.
Dec 18, 2023 - SCSS
Released in 2016, Angular is a rewrite of AngularJS. It focuses on good mobile development, modularity, and improved dependency injection. Angular is designed to comprehensively address a developer's web application workflow.
A seed project with spring boot for AngularJS, AngularJs Material, Thymeleaf, RESTful API, MySQL and admin panel based on AdminLTE.
NBA-Portfolio is an Angular Application which contains Porfolio of all the NBA's players and their stats across several seasons . It also contains latest updates about the NBA fetched from twitter and the schedule about NBA games to be played .The website is hosted on Azure .
Banking System With Spring Boot And Angular with Spring Security
This project was created for those who need to organize their tasks in a simple and easy-to-manage way. The application doesn't have thousands of features, it has just enough to help you remember your tasks with a friendly user interface.
Example for the interviews of component driven application that use AngularJS v1.6.9
Here i Create Complete Recipe App Using Angular
This project is a demo to show how to run a temporary server to render data on the front end dynamically with AngularJS.
(Angular based) "FoodFesta" is a user-friendly program designed to streamline the ordering process, much like the machines found at McDonald's restaurants. With FoodFesta, customers can easily place orders for their favorite food items while customizing them to preferences. 🥘
SISTEMA PARA CONTROLE DE VAGAS DE UM ESTACIONAMENTO (04) O software deverá controlar o funcionamento de um estacionamento. O estacionamento tem uma quantidade limitada de vagas. A entrada e a saída de veículos do estacionamento devem ser controladas de forma a não permitir que a lotação do estacionamento seja ultrapassada. O estacionamento aceit…
Welcome to the "Web Development" repository! This repository contains projects that showcase various web development technologies and frameworks. From front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, to back-end technologies.
Diverse is a NFT Alpha Portal-hub to other projects exclusively! Our Art consists of crafted life-like art pieces, which take global prospectives and reflect them in our project which promotes diversity, equality and inclusion in the NFT Space
Created by Google
Released September 14, 2016
Latest release 4 days ago