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Releases: tum-esm/utils


13 Jan 20:41
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🦚  New Features

  • opus.OpusHTTPInterface class
    Communicate with OPUS using its HTTP interface (see docs and API Reference)

🐜  Internal Changes

  • Fix bug when only reading the first channel from OPUS files
  • Refine pytests: add test groups, make tests run when .git folder is not present
  • Add repository to Zenodo


05 Dec 15:20
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🦚  New Features

🐜  Internal Changes

  • Switch from YAPF to RUFF formatting (easier to configure and better maintained)
  • Rename polars dependency group to em27. The old name will be kept as an alias until the next breaking release (3.0.0)


17 Nov 16:13
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🦚  New Features

  • timing.ExponentialBackoff
    Add class to exponentially increase the waiting time after an error
    see in docs

  • StricterBaseModel, StrictIPv4Adress
    More specialized Pydantic base classes
    see in docs

  • timing.date_span_intersection, timing.datetime_span_intersection
    Functions to compute the overlap of two date/datetime periods
    see in docs

🦀  Dependency Updates

  • Explicitly add Python 3.13 support (tests, PyPI package)


13 Sep 22:39
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🦚  New Features

    Add EM27/SUN constants for instrument colors, serial numbers, data units, etc.
    see in docs

  • plotting.add_colorpatch_legend
    A function to add a "Colorpatch Legend" to a plot
    see in docs

  • RandomLabelGenerator
    Generate random names - like Docker container names curious-einstein, wild-picard and so on
    see in docs

  • tum_esm_utils.timing.parse_iso_8601_datetime
    Added because datetime.datetime.fromisoformat does not support all ISO 8601 timezone variants
    see in docs

  • tum_esm_utils.files.list_directory
    Adds more options the os.listdir method - only include directories/files, filter by regex, ignore by Unix shell patterns
    see in docs

  • tum_esm_utils.files.render_directory_tree
    Render a directory tree as a string
    see in docs

  • tum_esm_utils.text.simplify_string_characters
    Simplify a string by replacing special characters with their ASCII counterparts and removing unwanted characters with. For example, simplify_string_characters("Héllo, wörld!") will return "hello-woerld".
    see in docs

  • tum_esm_utils.text.replace_consecutive_characters
    Remove consecutive whitespaces or other characters with tum_esm_utils.text.replace_consecutive_characters
    see in docs

🦀  Dependency Updates


07 Aug 16:21
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Upgrade Numpy (v1 to v2) and Polars (v0 to v1).

Add Version validator (#19).


24 May 08:39
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This release brings a significantly improved opus file validation based on Proffast 2.4. The old version could only handle a few reasons of file corruption. Furthermore the output did not list the files that the preprocessing could not even read.

Old validator:

detection_results = tum_esm_utils.em27.detect_corrupt_ifgs(
assert detection_results == {
    "md20220409s0e00a.0199": [
        "charfilter 'GFW' is missing",
        "charfilter 'GBW' is missing",
        "charfilter 'HFL' is missing",
        "charfilter 'LWN' is missing",
        "charfilter 'TSC' is missing",

New validator:

detection_results = tum_esm_utils.em27.detect_corrupt_opus_files(

detection_results == {
    'md20220409s0e00a.0199': [
        'Charfilter "DUR" is missing',
        'Charfilter "GBW" is missing',
        'Charfilter "GFW" is missing',
        'Charfilter "HFL" is missing',
        'Charfilter "LWN" is missing',
        'Charfilter "TSC" is missing',
        'Differing sizes of dual channel IFGs!',
        'IFG size too small!',
        'Inconsistent dualifg!',
        'Inconsistent parameter kind in OPUS file!'
    'comb_invparms_ma_SN061_210329-210329.csv': [
        'File not even readible by the parser'
    'comb_invparms_mc_SN115_220602-220602.csv': [
        'File not even readible by the parser'
    'md20220409s0e00a.0200': [
        'File not even readible by the parser'

The function tum_esm_utils.em27.detect_corrupt_ifgs has been renamed to tum_esm_utils.em27.detect_corrupt_opus_files but is of course still available under the old name too (until the next breaking release).


14 Apr 14:53
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This breaking release is necessary to make the polars library an optional dependency. Until now, every codebase that wanted to use the tum-esm-utils library would have to use the same major release of polars.

The library now has two optional modules: em27 and plotting, for which the dependencies (polars and matplotlib are not automatically installed). Install them using:

pip install "tum-esm-utils[polars]"
pip install  "tum-esm-utils[plotting]"
pip install  "tum-esm-utils[polars,plotting]"

Due to this change, the base library is kept at ~12MB, including all (sub-)dependencies, and only if you want the plotting and EM27 extras, this grows to ~174MB.

🦞  Breaking changes

I included many breaking changes here, so there will not be a need for another breaking release soon.

  • Module interferograms has been renamed em27 and made optional
  • Removed the context and testing modules: functionality has been moved into timing and files
  • Renamed module github to code
  • Removed unused functionality and changed some return types (see #18 for complete list)
  • Dropped Python3.8 support because Matplotlib also dropped it
  • Changed from MIT to GPL license

🦚  New features

  • Added new optional plotting module
  • Refactored function to load Proffast2 output files
  • Added function to code module to load files from GitLab


11 Feb 16:59
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🦚  New Features

  • Add a new method tum_esm_utils.files.read_last_n_lines (docs)
  • Add a new method tum_esm_utils.timing.parse_timezone_string (docs)


29 Dec 10:42
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🦚  New Features

🦀  Dependency Updates

🐜  Internal Changes

  • Copy all the functions in the context module (all time related) to the new timing module
  • Add deprecation warnings with the link to the new timing module to all migrated functions in the context module
  • Use timing.date_range inside text.date_range (the latter is based on date strings like YYYYMMDD)


04 Dec 00:40
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🦚  New Features

All of the above is tested, statically typed and documented of course 🐝