Airflow unit tests, DAG integrity tests and Pipeline definition tests
Install Python 2.7.13 using pyenv:
brew install pyenv pyenv install 2.7.13 pyenv global 2.7.13 pyenv global (Verify the python version)
Install Pip and PyBuilder
easy_install pip pip install pybuilder
export AIRFLOW_HOME={project dir}/src/main/python
Go to project root directory and run these commands:
pyb install_dependencies airflow initdb
Please update $AIRFLOW_HOME/airflow.cfg:
load_examples = False
Run tests:
pyb run_unit_tests
Follow this steps to install and run airflow on dev machine. This will setup following components:
- Postgres (To store the metadata of airflow)
- Redis (Broker for celery executors)
- Airflow Scheduler
- Celery Workers
- Airflow Web Server
- Flower
git clone brew cask install virtualbox (run if you don't have virtual box installed)
Install minikube
brew cask install minikube brew install kubernetes-cli minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 8192
Mount DAGs,Plugins, etc. in minikube
minikube mount {project dir}/src/main/python/:/data
Open new terminal. Go to project root dir and run:
kubectl apply -f airflow.kube.yaml
wait for 3-4 min to start all airflow components.
Get Minikube ip:
minikube ip
Now you can access:
Airflow UI: {minikube-ip}:31317
Flower: {minikube-ip}:32081