Bundle to handle cache management for Symfony 2
Update your config.yml file to configure memcache connections and/or redis connection (temporary in development for multiple redis servers)
servers: [""]
servers: [""]
Cache hit
On cache hit the event urodoz.events.cachehit is dispatched on the Symfony 2 EventDispatcher. The event is from class : Urodoz\Bundle\CacheBundle\Event\CacheHitEvent. Contains information about the key used, the content stored on the cache implementation and implementation used.
Missed cache hit
On cache hit the event urodoz.events.missed_cachehit is dispatched on the Symfony 2 EventDispatcher. The event is from class : Urodoz\Bundle\CacheBundle\Event\MissedCacheHitEvent. Contains information about the key used and the implementation.
To store and retrieve data from memcache servers pool (as service)
//Retrieve the service from the ContainerInterface
$cacheManager = $container->get("urodoz_cachemanager");
//Store value
$cacheManager->implementation("memcache")->set($key, $value, 3600);
//Retrieve value
When calling to method implementation, it sets the active implementation on the CacheManager service. You can avoid to set again the implementation on the next calls
//Storing on memcache
$cacheManager = $container->get("urodoz_cachemanager");
$cacheManager->implementation("memcache")->set($key1, $value1);
$cacheManager->set($key2, $value2);
$cacheManager->set($key3, $value3);
$cacheManager->set($key4, $value4);
//Retrieving from memcache
$data["one"] = $cacheManager->get($key2);
$data["two"] = $cacheManager->get($key3);
$data["three"] = $cacheManager->get($key4);
To store and retrieve data from the redis server (as service), you only need to change the implementation requested to cache manager service
//Retrieve the service from the ContainerInterface
$cacheManager = $container->get("urodoz_cachemanager");
//Store value
$cacheManager->implementation("redis")->set($key, $value, 3600);
//Retrieve value
The event throwed to update the cache key is urodoz.events.update_cachekey , this is a sample configuration
servers: [""]
servers: [""]
Service configuration attached as listener:
class: Sample\Bundle\CoreBundle\Service\CachePrefixGenerator
- ["setContainer", [@service_container]]
- { name: kernel.event_listener, event: urodoz.events.update_cachekey, method: onCacheKeyUpdate }
Service class:
namespace Urodoz\Bundle\CacheBundle\Tests\Service\Mocks;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareInterface;
use Urodoz\Bundle\CacheBundle\Event\UpdateCacheKeyEvent;
class PrefixGenerator implements ContainerAwareInterface
public function onCacheKeyUpdate(UpdateCacheKeyEvent $event)
return $event;