Happy San Valentin's day 2025 ❤️
Interactive Web Platform with Flask: A gallery of images 📸, animated bear 🧸, background music 🎵, and floating hearts 💕. A digital gesture to surprise your special someone.
- Gallery with local images in JPG format. 📸
- Floating heart animation ❤️
- Animated bear with a special message in GIF format. 🧸
- Romantic background music 🎵
- Share button to easily share the page 🔗
- Developed by: Valeria Villacorta, Industrial Engineering at UNI.
- Animated bear GIF from the internet: https://media.tenor.com/8qJ4hnUIKD0AAAAj/bubu-kiss-dudu-i-kiss-you.gif
- Copyright-free love background music (mp3): https://pixabay.com/es/music/musica-pop-everything-is-true-233565/ Music by RetroSunrise from Pixabay
git clone https://github.com/your_username/repository_name.git #(https://github.com/vale34villa1/Valentine-Day.git)
cd repository_name #(Valentine-Day)
pip install -r requirements.txt
python SanValentin.py
Open localhost in your browser.