This is my Python (2.7) Leetcode solution. As time grows, this also become a guide to prepare for software engineer interview.
I really take time tried to make the best solution and collect the best resource that I found.
Because I wanted to help others like me. If you like my answer, a star on GitHub means a lot to me. https://github.com/wuduhren/leetcode-python -
The solution is at
. For example,merge-sorted-array.py
's solution is athttps://leetcode.com/problems/merge-sorted-array/
I found it makes sense to solve similar problems together, so that we can recognize the problem faster when we encounter a new one. My suggestion is to skip the HARD problems when you first go through these list.
Id | Name | Difficulty | Comments |
11 | Container With Most Water | ★★ | |
167 | Two Sum II - Input array is sorted | ★★ | |
977 | Squares of a Sorted Array | ★★ | merge sort |
Id | Name | Difficulty | ||
726 | Number of Atoms | ★★★ | 736 | 394 |
856 | Score of Parentheses | ★★★ |
Id | Name | Difficulty | Comments |
169 | Majority Element | ★★ | |
315 | Count of Smaller Numbers After Self | ★★★★ | merge sort / BIT |
Id | Name | Difficulty | Comments | ||||||
17 | Letter Combinations of a Phone Number | ★★ | 39 | 40 | 77 | 78 | 90 | 216 | Combination |
46 | Permutations | ★★ | 47 | 784 | 943 | 996 | Permutation | ||
22 | Generate Parentheses | ★★★ | 301 | DFS | |||||
37 | Sudoku Solver | ★★★ | 51 | 52 | DFS | ||||
79 | Word Search | ★★★ | 212 | DFS | |||||
127 | Word Ladder | ★★★★ | 126 | 752 | BFS | ||||
542 | 01 Matrix | ★★★ | 675 | 934 | BFS | ||||
698 | Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets | ★★★ | 93 | 131 | 241 | 282 | 842 | Partition |
Id | Name | Difficulty | |
1 | Two Sum | ★★ | 560 |
Id | Name | Difficulty | Comments | |
2 | Add Two Numbers | ★★ | 445 | |
24 | Swap Nodes in Pairs | ★★ | ||
206 | Reverse Linked List | ★★ | ||
141 | Linked List Cycle | ★★ | 142 | fast/slow |
23 | Merge k Sorted Lists | ★★★ | 21 | priority_queue |
147 | Insertion Sort List | ★★★ | insertion sort | |
148 | Sort List | ★★★★ | merge sort O(1) space | |
707 | Design Linked List | ★★★★ |
Id | Name | Difficulty | Comments | ||||||
94 | Binary Tree Inorder Traversal | ★ | 589 | 590 | traversal | ||||
100 | Same Tree | ★★ | 101 | 104 | 110 | 111 | 572 | 965 | |
102 | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | ★★ | 107 | 429 | 872 | 987 | collecting nodes | ||
814 | Binary Tree Pruning | ★★ | 669 | ||||||
112 | Path Sum | ★★★ | 113 | 437 | |||||
124 | Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum | ★★★ | 543 | 687 | Use both children, return one | ||||
129 | Sum Root to Leaf Numbers | ★★★ | 257 | ||||||
236 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree | ★★★ | 235 | ||||||
297 | Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree | ★★★ | 449 | ||||||
508 | Most Frequent Subtree Sum | ★★★ | |||||||
968 | Binary Tree Cameras | ★★★★ | 337 | 979 |
Id | Name | Difficulty | Comments | |||||
35 | Search Insert Position | ★★ | 34 | 704 | 981 | upper_bound | ||
33 | Search in Rotated Sorted Array | ★★★ | 81 | 153 | 154 | 162 | 852 | rotated / peak |
69 | Sqrt(x) | ★★★ | upper_bound | |||||
74 | Search a 2D Matrix | ★★★ | treat 2d as 1d | |||||
875 | Koko Eating Bananas | ★★★ | 1011 | guess ans and check | ||||
378 | Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix | ★★★ | 668 | kth + matrix | ||||
778 | Swim in Rising Water | ★★★ | 174 | 875 | guess ans and check | |||
4 | Median of Two Sorted Arrays | ★★★★ | ||||||
719 | Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance | ★★★★ | 786 | kth + two pointers |
Id | Name | Difficulty | Comments | |
98 | Validate Binary Search Tree | ★★ | 530 | inorder |
700 | Search in a Binary Search Tree | ★★ | 701 | binary search |
230 | Kth Smallest Element in a BST | ★★★ | inorder | |
99 | Recover Binary Search Tree | ★★★ | inorder | |
108 | Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree | ★★★ | ||
501 | Find Mode in Binary Search Tree | ★★★ | inorder | |
450 | Delete Node in a BST | ★★★★ | binary search |
Id | Name | Difficulty | Comments | ||||
133 | Clone Graph | ★★ | 138 | queue + hashtable | |||
200 | Number of Islands | ★★ | 547 | 695 | 733 | 827 | grid + connected components |
841 | Keys and Rooms | ★★ | connected components | ||||
207 | Course Schedule | ★★★ | 210 | 802 | topology sorting | ||
399 | Evaluate Division | ★★★ | 839 | 952 | 990 | 721 | union find |
785 | Is Graph Bipartite? | ★★★ | bipartition | ||||
684 | Redundant Connection | ★★★★ | 685 | 787 | cycle, union find | ||
743 | Network Delay Time | ★★★★ | 882 | shortest path | |||
847 | Shortest Path Visiting All Nodes | ★★★★ | 815 | 864 | 924 | BFS | |
943 | Find the Shortest Superstring | ★★★★ | 980 | 996 | Hamiltonian path (DFS / DP) | ||
959 | Regions Cut By Slashes | ★★★★ | union find / grid + connected component | ||||
332 | Reconstruct Itinerary | ★★★★ | Eulerian path | ||||
1192 | Critical Connections in a Network | ★★★★ | Tarjan |
Id | Name | Difficulty | Comments | ||||||
70 | Climbing Stairs | ★ | 746 | I: O(n), S = O(n), T = O(n) | |||||
303 | Range Sum Query - Immutable | ★ | |||||||
53 | Maximum Subarray | ★★ | 121 | ||||||
198 | House Robber | ★★★ | 213 | 309 | 740 | 790 | 801 | I: O(n), S = O(3n), T = O(3n) | |
139 | Word Break | ★★★ | 140 | 818 | I: O(n), S = O(n), T = O(n^2) | ||||
300 | Longest Increasing Subsequence | ★★★ | 673 | ||||||
72 | Edit Distance | ★★★ | 10 | 44 | 97 | 115 | 583 | 712 | I: O(m+n), S = O(mn), T = O(mn) |
322 | Coin Change | ★★★ | 377 | 416 | 494 | I: O(n) + k, S = O(n), T = O(kn) | |||
813 | Largest Sum of Averages | ★★★ | I: O(n) + k, S = O(n), T = O(kn^2) | ||||||
312 | Burst Balloons | ★★★★ | 664 | 1024 | 1039 | I: O(n), S = O(n^2), T = O(n^3) | |||
741 | Cherry Pickup | ★★★★ | I: O(n^2), S = O(n^3), T = O(n^3) | ||||||
546 | Remove Boxes | ★★★★★ | I: O(n), S = O(n^3), T = O(n^4) | ||||||
943 | Find the Shortest Superstring | ★★★★ | 980 | 996 | I: O(n), S = O(n2^n), T = (n^22^n) | ||||
62 | Unique Paths | ★★ | 63 | 64 | 120 | 174 | 931 | I: O(mn), S = O(mn), T = O(mn) | |
85 | Maximal Rectangle | ★★★ | 221 | 304 | |||||
688 | Knight Probability in Chessboard | ★★★ | 576 | 935 | I: O(mn) + k, S = O(kmn) T = O(kmn) | ||||
322 | Coin Change | ★★★ | 377 | 416 | 494 | 1043 | 1049 | I: O(n) + k, S = O(n), T = O(kn) | |
1220 | 1230 | 1262 | 1269 | ||||||
813 | Largest Sum of Averages | ★★★★ | 1278 | 1335 | 410 | I: O(n) + k S = O(n*k), T = O(kn^2) |
1223 | Dice Roll Simulation | ★★★★ | I: O(n) + k + p S = O(k*p), T = O(n^2kp) |
312 | Burst Balloons | ★★★★ | 664 | 1024 | 1039 | 1140 | 1130 | I: O(n), S = O(n^2), T = O(n^3) | |
741 | Cherry Pickup | ★★★★ | I: O(n^2), S = O(n^3), T = O(n^3) | ||||||
546 | Remove Boxes | ★★★★★ | I: O(n), S = O(n^3), T = O(n^4) | ||||||
943 | Find the Shortest Superstring | ★★★★★ | 980 | 996 | 1125 | I: O(n) S = O(n2^n), T = (n^22^n) |
Id | Name | Difficulty | Comments | |||||
208 | Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) | ★★★ | 648 | 676 | 677 | 720 | 745 | Trie |
307 | Range Sum Query - Mutable | ★★★ | BIT/Segment Tree | |||||
901 | Online Stock Span | ★★★ | 907 | 1019 | Monotonic Stack | |||
239 | Sliding Window Maximum | ★★★ | Monotonic Queue |
This list is made by huahua, I found this on his youtube. Please visit his website for more.
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Systems Design Interview Concepts. There are also lots of tech interview related topic in his channel.
- Session vs Cookie
- Token Authentication
- Transport Layer
- Application Layer (HTTP, FTP)
- Transport Layer (UDP/TCP, Slice data to small packages)
- Network Layer (IP)
- Link Layer (Wifi)
- Physical Layer (Coaxial Ethernet Cable)
- UDP has smaller package size (8 bytes), while TCP needs 20 bytes due to it has larger header.
- UDP are not order guaranteed. TCP are in order.
- They both have error messages, but TCP will resent it again, UDP does not.
- TCP needs a three-way handshake to initiate a connection between ports. It’s like a phone call. While UDP is like a mail.
- In short, UDP is smaller and faster while TCP is reliable and ordered.
- UDP example, video streaming, DNS lookups.
- Transport Layer
- HTTP, HTTP Code, Socket, WebSocket, HTTP KeepAlive, HTTP2
- Code, Process, Thread
- Stack memory vs Heap memory
Stack memory
- Stores temporary variable created by functions.
- Memory is managed by CPU for you. No need to allocate and free it by hand.
- L.I.F.O.
- Stacks has limit (That is why we seldom use recursion real life)
- Stacks variable are local variable in nature.
Heap memory
- Larger.
- Slightly slower. Because we has to use "pointers" to access.
- We are responsible to free() the memory.
- Heap variable is global variable in nature.