Here is Console app to get block and transaction information from Etherscan Provider and store it in MYSQL database.
This app was built against following there layers model
- Application layer
- Service layer
- Data access layer ( with help of EF Core)
- Create db using docker by running this command
docker run -p 3306:3306 --name some-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -d mysql:latest
- Create new account on Etherscan , grab the api key and replace those key with
in appsettings.json file - Then execute the executable file - Sample.exe. That's it.
- Apply TDD
- Apply retry-pattern
- Should apply some job service to retry the failed block or transaction stuff if there is some transient network issue
- Should apply some notification service to send a notification if there some request failed to Etherscan