Matlab function to generate EEG datasets from the EEG data acquired by OpenVIBE.
Requirements: 1- OpenViBE installed in the usual location (tested on OpenVIBE 1.3.0) 2- Matlab installed (tested on R2014a). 3- ov2mat toolbox (see subfolder ov2mat or you can download from
See 'TestFunctions.m' as an example of the usage of 'ov2mat' and 'ExtractTrials' functions.
The authors would be grateful if published reports of research using this code (or a modified version, maintaining a significant portion of the original code) would cite this techreport as
@TechReport{TutorialOpenBCI&OpenVibe, author = {Victoria Peterson}, title = { OpenBCI & OpenVIBE for P300 speller paradigm: a quick starting guide}, institution = {Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional, UNL, CONICET, FICH, Ruta Nac. 168, km 472.4, 3000, Santa Fe, Argentina and Instituto de Matemática Aplicada del Litoral IMAL, CONICET-UNL, Predio CCT-CONICET-Santa Fe, Ruta Nac. 168, km. 472, 3000, Santa Fe, Argentina}, year = {2017}, month = {March}, }
-Victoria Peterson -MARCH 2017