I create the project to master magic of eval-apply
- Implement Register Machine
- Use Register Machine instructions to interpret scheme
- Use Scheme to interpret scheme, but the interpreter does not support multiple expressions for now
- Compile scheme to Register Machine Instructions using scheme
# in registerMachine dir
ghc main.hs
# run the instruction and return the final state
./main run ../instruction/schemeInterpreter.instruction ../scheme/fibonacci.scm
# run and print all the state
./main run show ../instruction/schemeInterpreter.instruction ../scheme/fibonacci.scm
# run one step and press Enter to continue
./main debug ../instruction/schemeInterpreter.instruction ../scheme/fibonacci.scm
# tokenize the S-Expression
./main tokenize ../instruction/gcd.instruction
# parse instruction
./main parse ../instruction/gcd.instruction
Every program defines a Register Machine which can achieve some sort of functionality. Basically the machine has three parts: Datapath, Controller and Stack.
Datapath is composed of some registers, calculators and indicators. Registers stores the data need to be calculated. Calculators actually do the math. Indicator shows whether a condition is satisfied.
there a branch of registers. some of them has specific purpose, some of them can store any data you want. here is the register list.
- exp: point to the expression to be evaluated.
- env: evaluation environment
- fun: procedure to be applied
- argl: list of evaluated arguments.
- continue: this register stores where the control flow shoud goto
- val: returned value
- unev: temp register for expressions
arithmatic operations like add, sub, mul, div
logistic operations like and, or
Stack can store data in a FIFO order. it's an important component to implement a recurcive progress.
Controller is a finite state machine which controls how the datapath and stack works. It can store a calculate result to a registor, goto another state based on indicators, read and write data in stack.
We can define our controller, datapath using instructions. With a set of instructions, we can define any machine we want.
define calculators:
define register operations:
. -
define indicators:
. -
define state transfers:
. -
control stack:
(define (gcd a b)
(if (= b 0)
(gcd b (mod a b))))
(define-machine gcd
(registers a b t)
(branch (= (fetch b) 0) done)
(assign t (% (fetch a) (fetch b)))
(assign a (fetch b))
(assign b (fetch t))
(goto loop)
(define (factorial n)
(if (= n 1)
(* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
(define-machine factorial
(registers n val)
(assign continue done)
(branch (= n 1) base)
(save continue)
(save n)
(assign n (- (fetch n) 1))
(assign continue calculate)
(goto main)
(restore n)
(restore continue)
(assign val (* (fetch n) (fetch val)))
(goto (fetch continue))
(assign val (fetch n))
(goto (fetch continue))