A tool to publish ipns entries on the ipfs network with a given key
First, you'll need to generate a publish key with ipfs-key
Once you have one, simply:
ipns-pub -key=mykeyfile /ipfs/QmcgpsyWgH8Y8ajJz1Cu72KnS5uo2Aa2LpzU7kinSupNKC
The program will start up an ipfs dht, bootstrap to the network, and publish the given ipfs path to the ipns entry of your given key.
go get -d github.com/whyrusleeping/ipns-pub
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/whyrusleeping/ipns-pub
gx --verbose install --global
go install
Note: depends on gx, install with:
go get -u github.com/whyrusleeping/gx
go get -u github.com/whyrusleeping/gx-go