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An Erlang library to test @doc tags and -moduledoc and -doc attributes.

It is compatible with the doctests syntax introduced in OTP-28.


The -moduledoc and -doc attributes were introduced in OTP 27.


% rebar.config
% {minimum_otp_vsn, "24"}.
{profiles, [
    {test, [
        % 'debug_info' is required to extract doc chunks.
        {erl_opts, [debug_info]},
        {deps, [{doctest, "~> 0.13"}]}
% 'doctest_eunit_report' is required to pretty print and correctly displays the failed Eunit tests.
{eunit_opts, [no_tty, {report, {doctest_eunit_report, []}}]}.


doctest won't run any test when cover is enabled, for example:

{profiles, [
    {test, [
        {cover_enabled, true},
        % ...

There is an open PR to fix this bug in the OTP repository.


Erlang documentation can be written:

  • Via EDoc by using the @doc tag, e.g.:

    %% @doc Prints "Hello, Joe!".
    %% Example:
    %% ```
    %% > print().
    %% "Hello, Joe!"
    %% '''
    print() -> "Hello, Joe!".
  • Or via ExDoc, by using the -moduledoc and -doc attributes introduced in OTP 27, e.g.:

    -doc """
    Prints "Hello, Joe!".
    > print().
    "Hello, Joe!"
    print() -> "Hello, Joe!".

There are some rules to test documentation. One rule is that only code blocks are testable. Via EDoc/tags, code blocks are code between ``` and ''' (triple backticks and triple single quotes), and via ExDoc/attributes, they are code between ``` and ``` (triple quotes and triple quotes). The code of the code blocks follows the same rules as the current Erlang shell, for example:

> % - Comments and multiline expressions are allowed;
  % - Multiline expressions must be aligned;
  % - Invalid syntaxes are skipped.
"Hello, Joe!"
> % All tests compare the equality between the expression and the result.
  % The example below is translated to an `?assertEqual` macro result:
  % > ?assertEqual(true, print() =/= "Hello, World").
  print() =/= "Hello, World!".


  1. Variable outputs can be skipped by replacing the right side (result) by an underscore (_) or without giving a result to it by starting a new expression
  2. The erlang language in code blocks is not required
  3. The syntax can contains the line numbers and dots between multiple lines, like in the erlang shell

For example:

-doc """
1> A =
.. 1.
2> B = 1. % It's not required to show the result
3> A + B.
foo(Foo) -> Foo.




% The EUnit header will automatically export this function because it ends with "_test"
doctest_test() ->
    doctest:module(?MODULE, #{
        % Default options:

        % Enable or turn off module doc tests.
        % Spec: boolean()
        moduledoc => true,

        % Enable or turn off functions doc tests or define a list of functions to be tested.
        % Spec: boolean() | [{atom(), arity()}].
        doc => true,

        % Set the EUnit options. 'rebar3_config' tries to resolve the options defined in the rebar3.
        % Spec: rebar3_config | [term()]
        eunit_opts => rebar3_config,

        % Overrides the code blocks extractors. See the 'doctest_extract' behavior.
        % Custom extractors are allowed.
        % Spec: [module()]
        extractors => [doctest_extract_attr], % OTP < 27 => [doctest_extract_tag]

        % Bind value to variables. Could be a proplist or a map.
        % Spec: erl_eval:binding_struct()
        bindings => #{},

        % Define records to be expanded/compiled to tuple expressions.
        % Spec: [{Name :: atom(), Fields :: [atom()]}]
        % Example: [{RecName, record_info(fields, RecName)}]
        records => []

% The `sum/2` will be tested by default because it contains a valid Markdown
% code block. Multiple Markdown code blocks can be defined.
-doc """
> mymodule:sum(1, 1).
sum(A, B) ->
    A + B.


Please see the rebar documentation for more information about the EUnit options.



If the OTP version is below 27, please only consider the @doc tags inside comments as a valid code. The -moduledoc and -doc attributes are valid if the OTP version is equal to or above 27.

Take this module:

 2-moduledoc """
 3 │ Module documentation are testable.
 4 │
 5 │ ```
 6 │ > greeting:print() =:= "Hello, Joe!".
 7 │ true
 8 │ ```
 9 │ """.
15doctest_test() ->
1819-doc """
20 │ ```
21 │ > greeting:print().
22 │ "Hello, World!"
23 │ ```
24 │ """.
25print() ->
26"Hello, Joe!".

Running the EUnit test via rebar3:

$ rebar3 eunit --module greeting
===> Verifying dependencies...
===> Analyzing applications...
===> Compiling doctest
===> Performing EUnit tests...
 PASS  ./src/greeting.erl:6 -moduledoc
 FAIL  ./src/greeting.erl:21 -doc

 ❌ assertEqual

 21 │ > greeting:print().
 22 │ "Hello, World!"
    └── at ./src/greeting.erl:21

"Hello, World!"

"Hello, Joe!"

Tests: 1 failed, 1 passed, 2 total
 Time: 0.003 seconds

Tests: 1 passed, 1 total
 Time: 0.0 seconds


The output above is by using the doctest_eunit_report as the EUnit report.

It is fine to put the doctest_test function in a Common Test module, for example:

 doctest_test() ->


The doctest_test function name could be any name of your choice.

Doctest EUnit Reporter

There is a built-in EUnit reporter called doctest_eunit_report to display the tests results correctly. Set it in the EUnit options of the project options, e.g.:

% rebar3.config
{eunit_opts, [
    {report, {doctest_eunit_report, [
        % Default options

        % Change the default depth of the output result.
        % Spec: pos_integer()
        {print_depth, 15}

An example of the doctest_eunit_report output: doctest_eunit_report


If you like this tool, please consider sponsoring me. I'm thankful for your never-ending support ❤️

I also accept coffees ☕

"Buy Me A Coffee"



Feel free to submit an issue on Github.


Copyright (c) 2024 William Fank Thomé

doctest is 100% open source and community-driven. All components are available under the Apache 2 License on GitHub.

See for more information.