A Swift
collection of useful extensions to CGPoint
, CGVector
, and CGGradient
If you need 2-dimensional vectors then you'll probably like this library.
If you look at the definitions of CGPoint
and CGVector
you'll see that they leave much to be desired. In fact, if you do any two-dimensional game development then you know that CGVector
- as defined - is no vector at all!
public struct CGPoint
public var x: CGFloat
public var y: CGFloat
public init()
public init(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat)
extension CGPoint
public static var zero: CGPoint { get }
public init(x: Int, y: Int)
public init(x: Double, y: Double)
public init?(dictionaryRepresentation dict: CFDictionary)
extension CGPoint : Equatable {}
public struct CGVector
public var dx: CGFloat
public var dy: CGFloat
public init()
public init(dx: CGFloat, dy: CGFloat)
extension CGVector
public static var zero: CGVector { get }
public init(dx: Int, dy: Int)
public init(dx: Double, dy: Double)
extension CGVector : Equatable {}
Well, not anymore. I've put together a comprehensive suite of methods for two-dimensional vector manipulations, everything from addition of a vector to a point, to dot and cross products, to rotations, to finding projections, all extensively tested.
Here is the full list of API additions to these types:
public enum WTCoreGraphicsExtensionsError : Error
case negativeTolerance
case negativeMagnitude
case notNormalizable
case divisionByZero
public extension CGFloat
static public let tolerance: CGFloat
public extension CGPoint
public init(x: Float, y: Float)
public static func random(_ a: CGFloat, _ b: CGFloat) -> CGPoint
public func isNearlyEqual(to other: CGPoint, tolerance: CGFloat = default) throws -> Bool
public func isNearlyZero(tolerance: CGFloat = default) throws -> Bool
public func distance(to other: CGPoint) -> CGFloat
public func distanceSquared(to other: CGPoint) -> CGFloat
public func manhattanDistance(to other: CGPoint) -> CGFloat
public func vector(to other: CGPoint) -> CGVector
public func vector(from other: CGPoint) -> CGVector
public static func vector(from point1: CGPoint, to point2: CGPoint) -> CGVector
public static func +(lhs: CGPoint, rhs: CGVector) -> CGPoint
public static func -(lhs: CGPoint, rhs: CGVector) -> CGPoint
public static func -(lhs: CGPoint, rhs: CGPoint) -> CGVector
public static func +=(lhs: inout CGPoint, rhs: CGVector)
public static func -=(lhs: inout CGPoint, rhs: CGVector)
extension CGPoint : Hashable
public var hashValue: Int { get }
public extension CGVector
public init(dx: Float, dy: Float)
public init(from p1: CGPoint, to p2: CGPoint)
public init(magnitude m: CGFloat, angle a: CGFloat) throws
public init(magnitude m: CGFloat, sine sina: CGFloat, cosine cosa: CGFloat) throws
public static func random(_ a: CGFloat, _ b: CGFloat) -> CGVector
public static var unitVectorX: CGVector { get }
public static var unitVectorY: CGVector { get }
public func isNearlyEqual(to other: CGVector, tolerance: CGFloat = default) throws -> Bool
public func isNearlyZero(tolerance: CGFloat = default) throws -> Bool
public var magnitude: CGFloat { get }
public var magnitudeSquared: CGFloat { get }
public var manhattanMagnitude: CGFloat { get }
public var isNormalizable: Bool { get }
public mutating func normalize() throws
public var normalized: CGVector? { get }
public mutating func scaleMagnitude(to value: CGFloat) throws
public func magnitudeScaled(to value: CGFloat) -> CGVector?
public mutating func scaleMagnitudeDownToIfLarger(than maxValue: CGFloat) throws
public func magnitudeScaledDownToIfLarger(than maxValue: CGFloat) throws -> CGVector
public mutating func scaleMagnitudeUpToIfSmaller(than minValue: CGFloat) throws
public func magnitudeScaledUpToIfSmaller(than minValue: CGFloat) throws -> CGVector
public func dot(with other: CGVector) -> CGFloat
public func cross(with other: CGVector) -> CGFloat
public var angleFromXAxis: CGFloat { get }
public var sinAngleFromXAxis: CGFloat { get }
public var cosAngleFromXAxis: CGFloat { get }
public var tanAngleFromXAxis: CGFloat { get }
public func smallestAngle(with other: CGVector) -> CGFloat
public func projectionParallel(to other: CGVector) -> CGVector
public func isNearlyParallel(to other: CGVector, tolerance: CGFloat = default) throws -> Bool
public func projectionPerpendicular(to other: CGVector) -> CGVector
public func isNearlyPerpendicular(to other: CGVector, tolerance: CGFloat = default) throws -> Bool
public mutating func rotateClockwise(by angle: CGFloat)
public func rotatedClockwise(by angle: CGFloat) -> CGVector
public mutating func rotateClockwise(sine sina: CGFloat, cosine cosa: CGFloat)
public func rotatedClockwise(sine sina: CGFloat, cosine cosa: CGFloat) -> CGVector
public mutating func rotateCounterClockwise(by angle: CGFloat)
public func rotatedCounterClockwise(by angle: CGFloat) -> CGVector
public mutating func rotateCounterClockwise(sine sina: CGFloat, cosine cosa: CGFloat)
public func rotatedCounterClockwise(sine sina: CGFloat, cosine cosa: CGFloat) -> CGVector
public static func +(lhs: CGVector, rhs: CGVector) -> CGVector
public static func -(lhs: CGVector, rhs: CGVector) -> CGVector
public static func *(lhs: CGFloat, rhs: CGVector) -> CGVector
public static func *(lhs: CGVector, rhs: CGFloat) -> CGVector
public static func /(lhs: CGVector, rhs: CGFloat) throws -> CGVector
public prefix static func -(vector: CGVector) -> CGVector
public static func +=(lhs: inout CGVector, rhs: CGVector)
public static func -=(lhs: inout CGVector, rhs: CGVector)
public static func *=(lhs: inout CGVector, rhs: CGFloat)
public static func /=(lhs: inout CGVector, rhs: CGFloat) throws
extension CGVector : Hashable
public var hashValue: Int { get }
public extension CGGradient
public enum CGGradientError : Error
case mismatchedColorAndLocationArraySizes
case invalidNumberOfColorLocationPairs
case invalidColorLocations
public static func rgbaGradient(with colors: [UIColor],
at locations: @autoclosure @escaping [CGFloat]) throws -> CGGradient?
WTCoreGraphicsExtensions adds 68 properties and functions, all tested by 138 tests with over 92%
coverage. The missing 8% test-coverage is due to the fact that CGGradient
is a very opaque type so once
creates it, there's nothing that can be extracted from it to compare with in a test.
WTCoreGraphicsExtensions depends on two of my other libraries:
Changes to WTCoreGraphicsExtensions are listed here.
WTCoreGraphicsExtensions is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "WTCoreGraphicsExtensions"
WTCoreGraphicsExtensions is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.