apt-cyg is a command-line installer for Cygwin which cooperates with Cygwin Setup and uses the same repository. The syntax is similar to apt-get. Usage examples:
- "apt-cyg install <package names>" to install packages
- "apt-cyg remove <package names>" to remove packages
- "apt-cyg update" to update setup.ini
- "apt-cyg show" to show installed packages
- "apt-cyg find <pattern(s)>" to find packages matching patterns
- "apt-cyg describe <pattern(s)>" to describe packages matching patterns
- "apt-cyg packageof <commands or files>" to locate parent packages
- "apt-cyg pathof <cache|mirror|mirrordir|cache/mirrordir|setup.ini>" to show path
- "apt-cyg key-add <files> ..." to add keys contained in <files>
- "apt-cyg key-del <keyids> ..." to remove keys <keyids>
- "apt-cyg key-list" to list keys
- "apt-cyg key-finger" to list fingerprints
- "apt-cyg upgrade-self" to upgrade apt-cyg
- "apt-cyg depends <package names>" to show forward dependency information for packages with depth.
- "apt-cyg rdepends <package names>" to show reverse dependency information for packages with depth.
- "apt-cyg completion-install" to install completion.
- "apt-cyg completion-uninstall" to uninstall completion.
- "apt-cyg mirrors-list" to show list of mirrors.
- "apt-cyg benchmark-mirrors <url> ..." to benchmark mirrors.
- "apt-cyg benchmark-parallel-mirrors <url> ..." to benchmark mirrors in parallel.
- "apt-cyg benchmark-parallel-mirrors-list" to benchmark mirrors-list in parallel.
- "apt-cyg scriptinfo" to show script infomations.
- "apt-cyg show-packages-busyness <package names> ..." to show packages are busy or noe.
- "apt-cyg dist-upgrade" to upgrade all packages that is installed. This subcommand uses setup-*.exe
- "apt-cyg update-setup" to update setup.exe
- "apt-cyg setup" to call setup.exe
- "apt-cyg packages-total-count" count number of total packages from setup.ini
- "apt-cyg packages-total-size" count size of total packages from setup.ini
- "apt-cyg packages-cached-count" count number of cached packages in cache/mirrordir.
- "apt-cyg packages-cached-size" count size of cached packages in cache/mirrordir.
- "apt-cyg repair-acl" repair acl.
- "apt-cyg source" download source archive.
- "apt-cyg download" download the binary package into the current directory.
- "apt-cyg mirror" download the binary package into the current cache/mirrordir as mirror.
apt-cyg requires the cygwin default environment and optional packages below.
- wget,ca-certificates,gnupg
In 32bit version of cygwin, wget requires an additional setting for ca-certificates package. Choose one of below settings.
# 1. Create symbolic link for the default ca-directory of wget.
ln -s /usr/ssl /etc/
# or
# 2. Set ca-directory paramete in '/etc/wgetrc'.
echo "ca-directory = /usr/ssl/certs" >> /etc/wgetrc
# or
# 3. Set ca-directory paramete in '~/.wgetrc'.
echo "ca-directory = /usr/ssl/certs" >> ~/.wgetrc
Remarks: Above additional settings for wget is not required for 64bit version of cygwin. But, as of 2014-01-17, perhaps ca-certificates package makes fail of certification in 64bit version of cygwin with Windows 8. See below:
The most recommended way to deploy this fork can be seen from a link below:
- New features / Upgrade apt-cyg
apt-cyg is a simple script. Once you have a copy, make it executable:
chmod +x /bin/apt-cyg
Optionally place apt-cyg in a bin/ folder on your path.
Then use apt-cyg, for example:
apt-cyg install nano
This fork has achieved dist-upgrade command by using setup-x86.exe
and setup-x96_64.exe
as a backend.
Note that all of running tasks on the cygwin will be killed before starting dist-upgrade.
After the middle of 2015-03, the cygwin project changed the hash algorithm for checking tarball from md5 to sha512. But, as of 2015-04-09, the cygwinports project seems still using md5. This fork is available for both of cygwin and cygwinports by supporting algorithm of md5, sha1, sha224, sha256 and sha512.
Let think a case that you want to install the x86 package when you are working under the x86_64 environment. For example:
apt-cyg --charch x86 install chere
As of 2013-10-26, chere package is provided for only the repository for x86.
Remarks: Of course, you must install both environments of x86_64 and x86, beforehand.
The default action of apt-cyg has been changed to check signature for 'setup.ini'. Of course you can also avoid signature check by using --no-verify or -X options. Public keys of cygwin and cygwinports are already registered to trusted keys of embeded. If you want to use some other public keys, please use key-* subcommands.
If apt-cyg is under the git version control, this fork can upgrade itself by "upgrade-self" subcommand. Therefore, the most recommended way to deploy this fork is below:
git clone HTTPS_clone_URL
ln -s "$(realpath apt-cyg/apt-cyg)" /usr/local/bin/
is like a https://github.com/USERNAME/apt-cyg.git
It can be found from the right side menu in each fork pages on github.
Use --proxy, -p option. This option must take a parameter from one of "auto", "inherit", "none" and URL.
- "auto" will determine a proxy using a part of the Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol (WPAD). The current implementation will look for a string of "PROXY URL" from "http://wpad/wpad.dat". If "wpad.dat" could not be downloaded, the proxy settings are inherited from the parent environment.
- "inherit" will inherit the proxy settings from the parent environment.
- "none" will not use the proxy.
- URL can take a string like "protocol://hostname:port".
For example:
apt-cyg --proxy http://proxy.home:8080 update
The default parameter is "${APT_CYG_PROXY:-auto}". At the environment where is not provided the WPAD server, it makes the lag for a few seconds at startup. So, if you don't want to use WPAD, please define APT_CYG_PROXY environment variable as below:
export APT_CYG_PROXY=inherit
Bash completion script can be installed to "/etc/bash_completion.d/apt-cyg" by completion-install
It will be automatically updated when apt-cyg is upgraded to newer version.
If you don't want to update it automatically, execute completion-install
subcommand in conjunction with --completion-disable-autoupdate
option. And completion-uninstall
subcommand removes "/etc/bash_completion.d/apt-cyg".
Some other forks, Milly / apt-cyg under the cfg / apt-cyg fork, ashumkin / apt-cyg and etc, are also supported it.
This project has been re-published on GitHub to make contributing easier. Feel free to fork and modify this script.
The Google Code project has a list of open issues.
Caution: Please do not merge forks that have incompatible licenses.
Ex.) Merging to the GPL from the MIT is possible. But merging to the MIT from the GPL is impossible.
- cfg / apt-cyg
- ashumkin / apt-cyg
- svn2github / apt-cyg
- nosuchuser / apt-cyg
- kazuhisya / apt-cyg64
- bnormsoftware / apt-cyg
- rcmdnk / apt-cyg
- buzain / apt-cyg
- wuyangnju / apt-cyg
- takuya / apt-cyg
- Support multi mirrors: Cygwin setup can use multi mirrors. They are recorded at last-mirror section in '/etc/setup/setup.rc'. It's useful for using Cygwinports.
- Support upgrade: But maybe, busy resources can not be upgraded, and rebase problem will happen. Cygwin setup resolves by replacing them at next reboot.
- Support dependency check for remove subcommand.
In recent version, the cygwin changed the ACL mechanism . So, in the cygwin current version, if it will be installed by setup.exe with -B or --no-admin option, the cygwin root (/) does not have correct ACL.
A new subcommand repair-acl
tries to repair it.
But some package, that are failed to install by the ACL problem, need to be reinstalled.
To solve this problem, the backend of verify_signatures
function was changed from gpgv
to gpg
thienhv reported this problem #14. Thanks.
After clean installing with setup-x86_64, there are something wrong about ca-certificate package as below:
$ ls -lnG \
/cygdrive/c/cygwin/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/openssl/ca-bundle.trust.crt \
-r--r--r-- 1 1001 314336 Jan 17 18:17 /cygdrive/c/cygwin/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/openssl/ca-bundle.trust.crt
-rw-r--r-- 1 1001 0 Oct 16 12:35 /cygdrive/c/cygwin64/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/openssl/ca-bundle.trust.crt
$ ls -lnG \
/cygdrive/c/cygwin/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem \
-r--r--r-- 1 1001 232342 Jan 17 18:17 /cygdrive/c/cygwin/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 1001 0 Oct 16 12:35 /cygdrive/c/cygwin64/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem
The x86 environment seems no problem except that need an additional setting for wget and ca-certificate. Hmm,,,
It seems that /usr/bin/update-ca-trust is failed at x86_64.
It's ad hoc, but effective way to fix it, is to copy files from cygwin32 to cygwin64, as below:
cp -a /cygdrive/c/cygwin/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/openssl/ca-bundle.trust.crt \
cp -a /cygdrive/c/cygwin/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem \
This problem is fixed at 2014-01-24. version 0.18.7-1 of p11-kit, p11-kit-trust and libp11-kit0 did not work at the cygwin64 under the Windows 8. If you face the above problem, please upgrade these three packages from version 0.18.7-1 to version 0.18.7-2.
For more details, see a thread of below:
- Cygwin mailing list / cygwin / Re: Is there someone who have a same problem ?
Oops, setup.bz2 is newer than setup.bz2.sig. And it seems to be corrupted.
$ date
Wed Jan 15 01:30:19 JST 2014
$ w3m -dump ftp://ftp.cygwinports.org/pub/cygwinports/x86_64/
Index of ftp://ftp.cygwinports.org/pub/cygwinports/x86_64/
[Upper Directory]
md5.sum. . . . . . . Jan 10 14:24 184
release/ . . . . . . Jan 10 18:00
setup.bz2. . . . . . Jan 10 13:59 579K
setup.bz2.sig. . . . Dec 6 11:28 72
setup.ini. . . . . . Dec 6 11:28 3.20M
setup.ini.sig. . . . Dec 6 11:28 72
$ wget -q -O - ftp://ftp.cygwinports.org/pub/cygwinports/x86_64/setup.bz2 | bzip2 -tvv
[1: huff+mtf rt+rld]
[2: huff+mtf data integrity (CRC) error in data
You can use the `bzip2recover' program to attempt to recover
data from undamaged sections of corrupted files.
As of 2014-01-24, above problem is recovered at least.
At cygwin 1.7.25, cygcheck is hardcoded for .tar.gz and .tar.bz2. So check setup (cygcheck -c) can not detect .tar.xz packages. This bug was already fixed with src/winsup/utils/dump_setup.cc#rev1.28. Please wait a release of cygwin 1.7.26.
This Problem was fixed cygwin 1.7.26 which released at 2013-11-29.