A decentralized plugin distribution network that connects independent plugin publishers into a federated ecosystem.
graph LR
classDef federation fill:#8b5cf6,color:white,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef publisher fill:#a2ff00,color:#191919,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef consumer fill:#0ea5e9,color:white,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef marketplace fill:#f59e0b,color:#191919,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef standalone fill:#a2ff00,color:#191919,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
subgraph Federation["Plugin Federation Network"]
FN1[Federation Node 1]:::federation
FN2[Federation Node 2]:::federation
FN3[Federation Node 3]:::federation
FN1 <--> FN2
FN2 <--> FN3
FN1 <--> FN3
subgraph Federated["Federated Plugin Publishers"]
PP1[Plugin Publisher]:::publisher
PP3[Theme Publisher]:::publisher
subgraph Standalone["Plugin Publisher Instances"]
SP1[Independent Publisher 1]:::standalone
SP2[Independent Publisher 2]:::standalone
SP3[Independent Publisher 3]:::standalone
subgraph SP1_Components["Publisher 1 Components"]
SP1_R2[(R2 Storage)]
SP1_DO[Registry DO]
SP1_KV[(KV Store)]
subgraph Consumers["Plugin Consumers"]
C1[WordPress Site]:::consumer
C2[eCommerce Platform]:::consumer
C3[Development Agency]:::consumer
C4[Theme Marketplace]:::marketplace
C5[WordPress Site]:::consumer
%% Standalone connections
SP1 --> SP1_Components
C1 --> SP1
C2 --> SP2
%% Federation connections
PP1 -->|"Optional Federation"| FN1
PP2 -->|"Optional Federation"| FN2
PP3 -->|"Optional Federation"| FN3
%% Federation consumer connections
FN1 -->|"Subscribe"| C3
FN2 -->|"Subscribe"| C4
FN2 -->|"Subscribe"| C5
%% Cross-node syncing
PP1 -.->|"Mirror"| FN2
PP2 -.->|"Mirror"| FN3
PP3 -.->|"Mirror"| FN1
%% Add explanatory notes
note1[Solid lines = direct connections]
note2[Dotted lines = federation syncing]
note3[Publishers can operate standalone or join federation]
note1 -.-> note2
note2 -.-> note3
The Plugin Federation Network (PFN) is a decentralized system that enables independent plugin publishers to form a network of trusted sources, share plugins, and maintain a distributed plugin ecosystem. Built on Cloudflare Workers and Durable Objects, PFN provides:
- Decentralized plugin distribution
- Source verification and trust scoring
- Plugin mirroring and caching
- Cryptographic verification of plugin authenticity
- Activity monitoring and version tracking
- Health monitoring and synchronization
Before setting up a federation node, ensure you have:
- A Cloudflare account with Workers and R2 enabled
- An existing Plugin Publisher instance (See Plugin Publisher Federated Branch documentation)
- Wrangler CLI installed
- Node.js 18 or later
Plugin Publisher Integration Details : https://github.com/xpportal/plugin-federation-network/blob/main/INTEGRATIONS.md
Create a new federation node:
# Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/xpportal/plugin-federation-network cd plugin-federation # Install dependencies npm install # Deploy the worker npx wrangler deploy
Generate Ed25519 signing keys:
node -e " const crypto = require('crypto'); const { privateKey, publicKey } = crypto.generateKeyPairSync('ed25519'); console.log('Private:', privateKey.export({type: 'pkcs8', format: 'pem'})); console.log('Public:', publicKey.export({type: 'spki', format: 'pem'})); "
Add the keys to your worker:
wrangler secret put FEDERATION_PRIVATE_KEY wrangler secret put FEDERATION_PUBLIC_KEY
Set up initial admin access:
# Generate a master admin key wrangler secret put MASTER_KEY # Use the master key to create additional admin keys via the API curl -X POST https://your-federation.workers.dev/federation/create-admin-key \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_MASTER_KEY" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"description": "Admin Console Access"}'
The federation network consists of several components:
- Federation Worker: Routes requests and handles high-level operations
- Federation Durable Object: Manages source registry and handles synchronization
- R2 Storage: Stores mirrored plugin files
- KV Storage: Manages API keys and temporary state
- SQLite Database: Stores federation state and relationships
graph BT
classDef worker fill:#8b5cf6,color:#191919, stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef do fill:#d926aa,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef storage fill:#d926aa,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef kv fill:#ad6509,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef external fill:#a2ff00,stroke:#191919, color:#191919, stroke-width:2px
subgraph CoreOps["Core Operations"]
W[Federation Worker]:::worker
DO[Federation DO]:::do
R2[(R2 Storage)]:::storage
KV[(KV Storage)]:::kv
SQL[(SQLite DB)]:::storage
PP[Plugin Publishers]:::external
C -->|"1 - API Requests"| W
W -->|"2 - Auth & Route"| DO
DO -->|"3 - Store Data"| SQL
DO -->|"4 - Mirror Plugins"| R2
DO -->|"5 - Cache Keys"| KV
DO -->|"6 - Verify & Sync"| PP
PP -->|"7 - Plugin Data"| DO
W -.->|"Handle Routes"| DO
DO -.->|"Manage State"| SQL
DO -.->|"Store Files"| R2:::worker
POST /federation/create-admin-key
: Generate new admin API keyPOST /federation/add-source
: Register new plugin sourceGET /federation/sources
: List all registered sourcesPOST /federation/verify-source
: Manually trigger source verificationGET /federation/activity
: Get federation activity feed
POST /federation/update-source
: Update source informationPOST /federation/subscribe
: Subscribe to a sourceGET /federation/source-status
: Get source health and sync status
GET /federation/plugins
: List available pluginsGET /federation/download
: Download mirrored pluginGET /federation/verify
: Verify plugin signature
The federation node includes a built-in administrative interface accessible at the root URL (/
). This interface provides:
- Source management
- Activity monitoring
- Version tracking
- Health status overview
- Subscription management
Sources are added via the federation admin interface or API:
curl -X POST https://your-federation.workers.dev/federation/add-source \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ADMIN_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"instance_url": "https://plugins.example.com",
"username": "plugin-author",
"public_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n..."
participant Client
participant Worker
participant DO as Federation DO
participant PP as Plugin Publisher
participant SQL as SQLite DB
Client->>Worker: POST /federation/verify-source
Worker->>Worker: Authenticate Request
Worker->>DO: Forward Verification Request
DO->>PP: GET /federation-info
PP-->>DO: Return Capabilities & Asset Info
DO->>SQL: Store Asset Info
DO->>PP: POST /verify-ownership
Note right of DO: Challenge-Response Auth
PP-->>DO: Return Signed Challenge
DO->>DO: Verify Ed25519 Signature
alt Verification Successful
DO->>SQL: Update Source Status & Trust Score
DO->>SQL: Record Verification Success
else Verification Failed
DO->>SQL: Record Verification Failure
DO-->>Worker: Return Verification Result
Worker-->>Client: Return Response
Sources are assigned trust scores based on:
- Successful verifications
- Uptime and response time
- Plugin signature validity
- Federation age
- Number of subscribers
The federation node maintains an activity feed that tracks:
- Plugin version updates
- Source verifications
- Federation events
- Health status changes
Activity can be monitored via the web interface or API:
curl -X GET https://your-federation.workers.dev/federation/activity \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"
- Source plugins are discovered via the
endpoint - Plugin files are downloaded using the source's asset naming scheme
- Files are verified against provided signatures
- Verified plugins are stored in R2 with metadata
Sources must provide their asset information via the /federation-info
"assetInfo": {
"domain": "https://assets.example.com",
"namingScheme": "plugins/author/slug/slug.zip"
- Source plugins are discovered via the
endpoint - Plugin files are downloaded using the source's asset naming scheme
- Files are verified against provided signatures
- Verified plugins are stored in R2 with metadata
Sources must provide their asset information via the /federation-info
"assetInfo": {
"domain": "https://assets.example.com",
"namingScheme": "plugins/author/slug/slug.zip"
curl -X POST https://your-federation.workers.dev/federation/subscribe \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"sourceId": "[email protected]",
"filters": {
"tags": ["utilities", "productivity"]
participant C as Client
participant W as Worker
participant DO as Federation DO
participant PP as Plugin Publisher
participant R2 as R2 Storage
participant SQL as SQLite DB
C->>W: POST /federation/subscribe
W->>DO: Handle Subscribe Request
DO->>SQL: Check Source Status
alt Source Verified
DO->>PP: GET /author-data
PP-->>DO: Return Plugin List
loop For Each Plugin
DO->>DO: Apply Subscription Filters
alt Plugin Matches Filters
DO->>PP: Download Plugin
DO->>DO: Verify Plugin Signature
DO->>R2: Store Plugin File
DO->>SQL: Record in mirrored_plugins
DO->>SQL: Update version_updates
DO->>SQL: Record Subscription
DO->>SQL: Update Last Sync Time
else Source Not Verified
DO-->>W: Return Error
W-->>C: Return Subscription Status
CREATE TABLE sources (
instance_url TEXT NOT NULL,
username TEXT NOT NULL,
public_key TEXT NOT NULL,
status TEXT DEFAULT 'pending',
trust_score FLOAT DEFAULT 0.0,
created_at INTEGER DEFAULT (unixepoch()),
last_sync INTEGER,
asset_domain TEXT,
asset_naming_scheme TEXT,
UNIQUE(instance_url, username)
CREATE TABLE source_verifications (
source_id TEXT NOT NULL,
verifier TEXT NOT NULL,
verification_type TEXT NOT NULL,
details TEXT,
verified_at INTEGER DEFAULT (unixepoch()),
FOREIGN KEY(source_id) REFERENCES sources(id)
CREATE TABLE version_updates (
plugin_id TEXT NOT NULL,
source_id TEXT NOT NULL,
old_version TEXT NOT NULL,
new_version TEXT NOT NULL,
update_time INTEGER DEFAULT (unixepoch()),
FOREIGN KEY(source_id) REFERENCES sources(id)
CREATE TABLE mirrored_plugins (
plugin_id TEXT NOT NULL,
source_id TEXT NOT NULL,
version TEXT NOT NULL,
description TEXT,
local_path TEXT NOT NULL,
signature TEXT NOT NULL,
mirror_date INTEGER DEFAULT (unixepoch()),
FOREIGN KEY(source_id) REFERENCES sources(id),
UNIQUE(plugin_id, source_id, version)
The wrangler.toml
configuration for a federation node:
name = "plugin-federation"
main = "src/index.js"
compatibility_date = "2024-10-22"
compatibility_flags = ["nodejs_compat"]
class_name = "FederationDO"
tag = "v3"
new_sqlite_classes = ["FederationDO"]
binding = "PLUGIN_BUCKET"
bucket_name = "federated-plugins"
binding = "FEDERATION_KV"
id = "your-kv-namespace-id"
- Admin keys prefixed with
- Keys stored in KV with metadata
- Master key for initial setup
- Regular key rotation recommended
- Ed25519 signature verification
- Challenge-response ownership proof
- Regular health checks
- Trust score adjustments
- Original signatures preserved
- Federation layer verification
- Immutable version storage
- Version update tracking
- Check activity feed regularly
- Monitor source health status
- Track version updates
- Review verification history
Network Health
- Monitor node performance
- Track synchronization status
- Maintain backup nodes
- Regular security audits
- Original signatures preserved
- Federation layer verification
- Immutable version storage
- Version update tracking
Source Management
- Regularly verify source health
- Monitor trust scores
- Track version updates
- Update asset schemes when needed
- Check activity feed regularly
- Monitor source health status
- Track version updates
- Review verification history
Network Health
- Monitor node performance
- Track synchronization status
- Maintain backup nodes
- Regular security audits
Contributions are welcome soon...let me just vibe with this for a bit.