is a simple Youdao Dictionary (有道词典) interface for Emacs.
Install youdao-dictionary
from MELPA with:
M-x package-install RET youdao-dictionary RET
Youdao discontinued the free API earlier this year (2023), so this package is no longer ready to use out of the box. You will need to apply for an API on your own.
You can set your api key and secret in ~/.authinfo.gpg
or ~/.authinfo
, e.g,
machine login 应用ID password 应用秘钥
Alternatively, you can set them in your config, e.g,
;; Change 应用ID and 应用秘钥 to yours
(setq youdao-dictionary-app-key "应用ID"
youdao-dictionary-secret-key "应用秘钥")
- Search word at point and display result with buffer
- Search word at point and display result with popup-tip
- Search word at point and display result with tooltip
- Search word at point and display result with posframe
- Search word from input and display result with buffer
- Search word at point and display result with popup-menu, replace word with selected translation.
- Play voice of word at point (by @snyh)
- Play voice of word from input (by @snyh)
- Face for posframe buffer, defaut to inherit
;; Enable Cache
(setq url-automatic-caching t)
;; Example Key binding
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c y") 'youdao-dictionary-search-at-point)
;; Integrate with popwin-el (
;; (push "*Youdao Dictionary*" popwin:special-display-config)
;; Set file path for saving search history
;; (setq youdao-dictionary-search-history-file "~/.emacs.d/.youdao")
;; Enable Chinese word segmentation support (支持中文分词)
;; (setq youdao-dictionary-use-chinese-word-segmentation t)
Notes: A external Chinese word segmentation tool (e.g. 结巴分词) is needed to enable Chinese word segmentation support. For more info, see chinese-word-at-point.el#prerequisite.
- ydcv
- YouDao Console Version in Python (youdao-dictionary.el is inspired by it)
- fanyi
- A translate tool in your command line (supports both Youdao and iciba)
- go-translate
- Powerful translator on Emacs. Supports multiple translation engines such as Google, Bing, deepL, StarDict, Youdao.
- bing-dict
- Minimalists’ English-Chinese Bing dictionary