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This project is an evolution of the original PHP-based Cinemo movie recommendation web app, refactored with a modern tech stack. Currently in development, the focus is on building a robust system design using React, server-side rendering (SSR), Progressive Web App (PWA) capabilities, and other cutting-edge technologies.

UI Designs

Landing Page

Landing Page


Homepage Login Liked


Collections Empty


Preferences Update

Movie Details

Movie Details

Responsive Layout

Responsive Layout

Architecture Overview

graph TD;
    A[Next.js Client] -->|Firebase SDK| B[Firebase Auth]
    A -->|Firestore SDK| C[(Cloud Firestore)]
    A -->|Storage SDK| D[(Firebase Storage)]
    A -->|Client-Side API Calls| E[Netlify Functions]
    E -->|Admin SDK| C
    E -->|Token Verification| B
    C -->|Realtime Listeners| A
    F[TMDB API] --> E
    G[Recommendation Service] --> E
    H[CDN] --> A


Key Characteristics

  • Hybrid Rendering: SSG for public pages, SSR for user-specific content
  • Real-time Core: Firestore listeners for collections/likes updates
  • Decoupled Services: Firebase for stateful services, Netlify for static hosting
  • Progressive Enhancement: PWA-first approach with network resilience

UI & Frontend

Component Architecture:

├── app
│   ├── api
│   │   └──[auth/collections/preferences/details]
│   ├── (auth)              # Auth group layout
│   │   └── signin/page.tsx # Sign-in UI
│   │   └── signup/page.tsx # Sign-up UI
│   │   └── layout.tsx      # Auth layout
│   ├── home
│   │   └── page.tsx        # Homepage
│   ├── collections
│   │   └── page.tsx        # Main collections page
│   ├── preferences
│   │   └── page.tsx        # Mood/Genre preferences
│   ├── movie
│   │   └── [id]/page.tsx   # Movie details page
│   └── layout.tsx          # Global nav (CINEMO/MyPrefs/Collections)
├── components
│   ├── ui                  # Reusable/Primitive components
│   │   └── [Avatar/Button/Input/Modal/etc]
│   ├── forms               # Forms
│   │   ├── auth            # Auth Forms
│   │   │   └── [SigninForm/SignupForm]
│   │   ├── preferences     # Preferences Forms
│   │   │   └── [GenreForm/MoodForm]
│   │   └── hooks           # Custom form hooks
│   ├── features            # Feature-specific components
│   │   └── [MoodGrid/MovieCard/RatingBadge/etc] # Combines UI components + logic
├── utils
│   └── helpers.ts          # Utility functions
│   └── ...
├── hooks
│   └── useAuth.tsx         # Authentication hook
│   └── usePreferences.tsx  # Preferences hook
│   └── ...
├── types
│   └── tmdb.d.ts           # TMDB API types
│   └── ...
├── styles
│   ├── global.css          # Global styles
│   └── tailwind.config.ts  # Tailwind config
├── public
│   └── [favicon/manifest/etc]
├── lib
│   └── firebase.ts         # Firebase client
├── netlify
│   └── functions           # Netlify functions
│   │   └── recommendations.ts   # ML integration
│   │   └── migration.ts         # Data import
│   │   └── tmdb-proxy.ts        # API shielding

Key Technologies

  • Core: Next.js (App Router), TypeScript
  • State: Zustand (global), TanStack Query (client-side data management, caching, and synchronization)
  • Styling: Tailwind for global styles, CSS Modules for custom components
  • PWA: next-pwa with runtime caching strategies

Critical UI Flows

  1. Authentication Flow: Email/password + social logins (low priority)
  2. Recommendation Engine: Multi-filter browsing (mood and genres)
  3. Collection Management: Drag-and-drop organisation
  4. Preference Editing: Visual genre and mood selection

Performance Features

  • Image lazy loading with blur placeholders
  • Route-based code splitting
  • SWR for client-side caching
  • Optimistic UI updates for likes/collections
  • Mixpanel integration for tracking and analysing user behaviour

Testing Strategy

  • Unit: Jest + Testing Library
  • E2E: Cypress with auth state reuse
  • Visual: Percy snapshot testing
  • Lighthouse: CI-based performance audits and automated a11y checks

Future Work

Internationalisation (i18n) Implementation:

Key Technologies:

  • next-i18next for SSR translations
  • i18next-browser-languagedetector for auto language detection
  • date-fns for localised date formatting
  • react-intl for number/currency formatting

Data & Storage

Firestore Data Model

// Users collection
  ├─ preferences: {
      genres: string[],
      decade: "1990s" | "2000s",
      ratingThreshold: number
  ├─ likes: subcollection[
        movieId: string,
        timestamp: Date,
        metadata: TMDBMovie
  └─ activity: {
       lastLogin: Date,
       totalLikes: number

External Data Integration

Public APIs:

// TMDB API Adapter
export const fetchTMDBMovie = async (id: string) => {
	const res = await fetch(
			headers: {
				Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.TMDB_TOKEN}`,
	return MovieSchema.parse(await res.json())

Storage Solutions

  1. Firestore: User-generated content, such as user profile
  2. Firebase Cloud Storage: User avatars (with compression)
  3. LocalStorage: Session caching for offline use
  4. CDN Cache: TMDB images (via Netlify edge)

Data Validation

Zod schema validation:

// Zod schema for Firestore documents
const UserPreferencesSchema = z.object({
	genres: z.array(z.string().max(20)),
	decade: z.enum(['1990s', '2000s', '2010s']),
	ratingThreshold: z.number().min(0).max(10),

Backend & DevOps

Netlify Functions Architecture

    recommendations.ts   # ML integration
    migration.ts         # Data import
    tmdb-proxy.ts        # API shielding

CI/CD Pipeline

  participant Git as GitHub
  participant Netlify
  participant Firebase

  Git->>Netlify: Push to main
  Netlify->>Netlify: Install deps
  Netlify->>Netlify: Build Next.js
  Netlify->>Netlify: Run tests
  Netlify->>Firebase: Deploy Firestore rules
  Netlify->>Netlify: Deploy to CDN


Key Services

  • Netlify Edge: Static asset delivery
  • Firebase Auth: User identity
  • Firestore: Real-time database
  • Cloud Functions: Background tasks
  • Sentry: Error monitoring

Security Implementation

  1. CSP Headers: Restrict script sources
  2. Firestore Rules: Role-based access
  3. API Shield: Netlify Functions proxy external APIs
  4. Secret Management: Environment variables encryption

Additional Considerations

Recommendation Algorithm

graph TD
    A[User Preferences] --> B(Content Filtering)
    C[Liked Movies] --> D(Collaborative Filtering)
    E[TMDB Metadata] --> F(Semantic Analysis)
    B --> G[Recommendation Engine]
    D --> G
    F --> G
    G --> H[Ranked Results]

Implementation Strategy

  1. Precompute daily recommendations via Cloud Run
  2. Real-time personalization with TensorFlow.js
  3. Fallback to TMDB similar movies API

Accessibility Audit

  • Screen reader testing with JAWS/NVDA
  • Keyboard navigation checks
  • Color contrast validation (WCAG 2.1 AA)
  • ARIA landmarks verification



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