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You can have the same user experience as me in Archlinux
Install in Archlinux (need aur):
- For Hyprland
yay -S waybar wofi polkit-gnome hyprland wl-clipboard swayidle swaybg swaylock-effects-git brightnessctl playerctl grim slurp dunst libnotify xdg-desktop-portal-wlr wf-recorder wlogout
- For sway
yay -S waybar wofi polkit-gnome sway-im wl-clipboard swayidle swaybg swaylock-effects-git brightnessctl playerctl grim slurp dunst libnotify xdg-desktop-portal-wlr wf-recorder wlogout
- WM: Hyprland/sway
- Topbar: waybar
- Wallpaper: swaybg/mpvpaper
- Screensaver: swayidle swaylock-effects # Super + L
- Logout: wlogout # Ctrl + Alt + Delete
- Launcher: wofi # Super + D
- Screenshot: grim slurp # Ctrl + Alt + A
- Screen Recorder: wf-recorder # Ctrl + Alt + S (re-run to stop)
- Clipboard: wl-clipboard
- Notification: dunst
You can choose one:
I use the Kitty:
yay -S kitty
Use ./show.h
for apply bash environment, theme and git plugin form oh my bash.
Install zsh:
yay -S zsh
Install plugins:
yay -S zsh-theme-powerlevel10k zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-autosuggestions
or use git:
mkdir -p ~/.zsh/plugins
cd ~/.zsh/plugins
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k.git
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions.git
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting.git
Install packages:
yay -S python rust
python -m venv ~/.python_venv
Restart Terminal for apply python environment, then you can use pip
command. look: zsh/.zsh_env/python-venv.sh
pip install pynvim
cargo install fnm
fnm install <version/--latest>
fnm default <version>
Restart terminal for apply fnm environment, look: zsh/.zsh_env/fnm.sh
npm i -g neovim
and npm
are just the basic environment configuration of neovim, it is highly recommended to use the :checkhealth
command to see which commands are not installed after running the configuration of lua, you can continue to use the corresponding package management for installation!
Default use git ssh, if you use http, modify .gitmodules
, set url
Update git submodule:
git submodule init && git submodule update
cd nvim && git switch v2.0
yay -S firefox
yay -S microsoft-edge-stable-bin
in wayland:
-enable-features=UseOzonePlatform -ozone-platform=wayland
add these flags in desktop file:
sudo vim /usr/share/applications/microsoft-edge.desktop
install package:
yay -S ttf-maple-nerd ttf-maple-sc-nerd ttf-firacode-nerd
if cannot install ttf-maple-sc-nerd
, use the following method:
- use Maple-font
- to release page, and download MapleMono-SC-NF.zip.
- unzip the file:
unzip MapleMono-SC-NF.zip
- mv ttf file to fonts dir:
sudo mv SC-NF/*.ttf /usr/share/fonts/TTF/
- refresh fonts cache:
fc-cache -vf
yay -S exa bat rsync htop
- [exa] instead ls and tree
- [bat] instead cat
- [rsync] instead cp and scp
- [htop] instead top
yay -S stow
You can use this script to softlink the configuration file to the user directory:
If you removed some one package, you can run it again for remove softlink!
Use startde
to start desktop environment. It is also possible to uncomment bash/.bash_profile
(uncomment default) or zsh/.zprofile
to automatically start the desktop environment.