Gago 后端最基础功能的库,以 ORM 为核心
轻量级 ORM: 支持 PostgreSQL、MySQL,支持空间数据格式
HTTP: Wrapper of Request/Response
常用的一些 Express 的 middleware,如 timeout、CORS 等
文档到 api blueprint、到 postman collection、到 unit test、到监控一波流
npm install sakura-node-3
@TableName("users") // 声明当前类对应的表
export class User extends Model { // 需要 ORM 的类必须继承自 Model 或者是 GGModel,GGModel 会自动添加 is_deleted、created_at 和 updated_at 三个字段
// 声明该属性对应的数据库中的属性,支持顺序罗列和 interface 两种形式
// name(必填) 用于声明数据库中字段的名字
// type(必填) 用于声明对应数据库中的类型,常见的有 INT、VARCHAR_255、VARCHAR_1024、TIMESTAMP、JSON、GEOMETRY
// flag(必填) 用于声明一些情况,如是否是主键、是否可以为空,可选的有 PRIMARY_KEY、NOT_NULL、NULLABLE
// comment(选填) 注释
// defaultValue (选填) 默认值,支持随机数(MAKE_RANDOM_ID)、自增(SERIAL)、UUID(UUID),推荐尽可能用自增
@Column({ name: "uid", type: SqlType.INT, flag: SqlFlag.PRIMARY_KEY, comment: "主键"})
uid: number;
@Column("username", SqlType.VARCHAR_255, SqlFlag.NOT_NULL)
username: string;
@Column("display_name", SqlType.VARCHAR_255, SqlFlag.NULLABLE, "真实姓名")
displayName: string;
@Column("meta", SqlType.JSON, SqlFlag.NULLABLE)
meta: any;
@Column("created_at", SqlType.TIMESTAMP, SqlFlag.NULLABLE)
createdAt: Date;
@Column("updated_at", SqlType.TIMESTAMP, SqlFlag.NULLABLE)
updatedAt: number;
Insert 时会自动更新 created_at, updated_at,Update 和 Delete 时会自动更新 updated_at
export class GPSDevice extends GGModel {
@Column("gps_device_id", SqlType.BIGINT, SqlFlag.PRIMARY_KEY, "设备 id", SqlDefaultValue.SERIAL())
gpsDeviceId: number;
@Column("gps_device_serial", SqlType.VARCHAR_255, SqlFlag.NULLABLE, "设备编号")
gpsDeviceSerial: string;
@Column("gps_device_battery_level", SqlType.INT, SqlFlag.NULLABLE, "电池")
gpsDeviceBatteryLevel: number;
@Column("gps_device_gsm_level", SqlType.INT, SqlFlag.NULLABLE, "信号")
gpsDeviceGsmLevel: number;
@Column("gps_device_gps_status", SqlType.BOOLEAN, SqlFlag.NULLABLE, "设备状态")
gpsDeviceGpsStatus: boolean;
@Column("cooperative_id", SqlType.BIGINT, SqlFlag.NULLABLE, "合作社 id")
cooperativeId: number;
@Column("gps_device_type", SqlType.VARCHAR_255, SqlFlag.NULLABLE, "gps服务类型")
gpsDeviceType: string;
(async () => {
try {
const driverOptions: DriverOptions = {
type: DriverType.MYSQL,
username: "root",
password: "111111",
host: "localhost",
database: "gagodata"
// 使用 Migration 新建 users 表
let migration: Migration = new Migration({
version: 7,
appName: "api-server-6",
driverOptions: driverOptions
await migration.migrate();
// 创建 DBClient 全局单例
const fetchUsersQuery: SelectQuery = new SelectQuery().fromClass(User).select();
const result: QueryResult = await DBClient.getClient().query(fetchUsersQuery);
console.log(`there are ${result.rows.length} users`);
} catch (err) {
const query: SelectQuery = new SelectQuery()
const results: QueryResult = await DBClient.getClient().query(query);
const users: User[] = Model.modelsFromRows<User>(results.rows, Task);
// [
// {
// "username": "aaa",
// "display_name": undefined,
// ...
// }
// ...
// ]
const query: SelectQuery = new SelectQuery()
.select(["gps_device_id", "gps_device_serial", "gps_device_type", "gps_device_battery_level", "users.connection_info", "users.username", "uid", "user_display_name"])
const results: QueryResult = await DBClient.getClient().query(query);
const data: (User & GPSDevice)[] = any) => {
return Model.compositeModelFromRow<User, GPSDevice>(ele, User, GPSDevice);
// [
// {
// "username": "aaa",
// "displayName": "bbb",
// "gpsDeviceSerial": "ccc",
// ...
// }
// ...
// ]
更多的示例, 可以查看 src/example
const doc: ApiDoc = {
groupName: "Monitor",
descriptions: [
function: UserController.getUserInfo,
description: "获得所有用户信息",
detailDescription: "获得所有用户信息,以数组的形式返回",
method: "GET",
uri: "/products?pid={pid}",
queryParameters: [
key: "pid",
example: 5,
type: "number",
description: "产品的 ID"
responseBody: {
"data": {
"users": [
"uid": 1,
"displayName": "linxiaoyi"
"uid": 2,
"displayName": "huangtaihu"
additionalConditions: [
keyPath: "data/users/0/uid",
type: "ValueRange",
valueRange: [0, 30]
通过编写一个 apiDoc,可以通过 sakura-cli 来生成文档、单元测试、postman collection,也可以
参考 src/base/testapidocdecorator.ts
Run gulp
and all releases will be under ./lib
We highly recommend to use docker as test database container, for MySQL, you can use this image,
run docker run --name mysql-docker -p 3307:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=111111 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=gagotest -v /tmp/mysql:/var/lib/mysql -d mysql:latest
npm test
npm install sakura-node-3
const driverOptions: DriverOptions = {
type: DriverType.MYSQL,
username: "root",
password: "111111",
database: "gago",
clusterOptions: {
master: {
host: ""
slaves: [
host: ""
host: ""
// 创建 DBClient 全局单例
const fetchUsersQuery: SelectQuery = new SelectQuery().fromClass(User).select().whereWithParam("name = :name",{name : "franklin" });
const result: QueryResult = await DBClient.getClient().query(fetchUsersQuery);
console.log(`there are ${result.rows.length} users`);
更多的示例, 可以查看 src/example
Run gulp
and all releases will be under ./lib
We highly recommend to use docker as test database container, for MySQL, you can use this image,
run docker run --name mysql-docker -p 3307:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=111111 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=gagotest -v /tmp/mysql:/var/lib/mysql -d mysql:latest
npm test
在提交代码前需要使用 tslint 在检查一次 tslint. (sh ./bin/
Node 6+