In this project, I aimed to implement a secure logging protocol that is designed by Mehmet Tahir SANDIKKAYA.
For the porpuse of implementation, I wrote the project in java programming language with socket programming technic. In order to secure logs BouncyCastle libraries are used in encryption-decryption and sign-verify processes.
In the protocol, there are 3 main roles and one independent role; Bulletin Board, Users(Client), Providers(Host) and Verifiers. As these roles have direct connection with eachother, they also connects localhost:8080 (can be found .../main/index.html) to check logs and verify them if needed. Each log record has 4 different data in the log table which published by a Bulletin Board after encryption and signification processes. Anyone(ex. Verifiers) can retrieve data, read it and can secure system by verify signatures of logs. To understand protocol better, we need to understand the figures below.
Flow of the main scenario;
Flow of the alternative ending;
All the steps are carefully implemented for the both scenarios. All of the source code is written in Java Programming Language. To publish and retrieve log records publicly, a HTML page is preffered. Formulated phases for the protocol can be observed below.
Designer and Owner of the protocol Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Tahir Sandıkkaya