AutoTAMP (Website, ICRA 2024)
Paper Link:
Please install the Gurobi optimizer by following the instructions on the official website You might be eligible for a free academic license
Then install the following Python packages.
pip install numpy matplotlib pypoman openai re random time copy
Then you need to get your OpenAI key from Put that OpenAI key starting 'sk-' into the, line9
Run the to test the AutoTAMP method (with/without checkers). From line7 to line11, set up the parameters for syntactic check, semantic check, domain, your working path dir, and model choice. Then run the script:
For testing the Task Planning method, also set up the parameters for domain, your working path dir, and model choice. Then run the script:
The experimental results will appear in the dir experiment_result.
We have uploaded the AutoTAMP_plotting.ipynb and Example_results directory to give the visualization examples. During the experiments, myfile{i}.txt will be created to record the position/time waypoints, which are used for visualization when giving the environmental plots.
@article{chen2023autotamp, title={AutoTAMP: Autoregressive Task and Motion Planning with LLMs as Translators and Checkers}, author={Chen, Yongchao and Arkin, Jacob and Zhang, Yang and Roy, Nicholas and Fan, Chuchu}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.06531}, year={2023} }
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