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Tools for Isoform identification using Oxford Nanopore Sequencing


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NanoIsoform: Accurate identification of RNA isoforms using Oxford Nanopore Sequencing

This tool is to perform the downstream analysis on output from NanoSplicer, which is software I for accurate identification of splice junction using nanopore data.


Oxford Nanopore sequencing, Transcriptomics, Isofrom identification and quantification.


git clone

Conda environment

All dependencies can be installed using "conda", the configuration file can be found at conda_env/:

conda env create -f conda_env/environment.yml

Running NanoIsoform

Input file:

  • Probability table from NanoSplicer (TSV)
  • NanoSplicer jwr_checker output (HDF5)
  • BAM file (same as what has been input to NanoSplicer)
python3 bin/  < TSV from NanoSplicer>  <HDF5 NanoSplicer> <BAM file>


BED file. Each entry is a unique isoform and the "score" field (columns 5) represents the read counts for each identified isoforms.

For more details:

python3 bin/ -h 


usage: [-h] [--SIQ_thres SIQ_THRES] [--prob_thres PROB_THRES]
                      [--JAQ_thres JAQ_THRES]
                      [--nearby_jwr_correction_mode {majority_vote,probability}]
                      [--uniform_prior] [--output_fn OUTPUT_FN]
                      [--cfg_fn CFG_FN] [--hcjwr_SIQ_thres HCJWR_SIQ_THRES]
                      [--hcjwr_prob_thres HCJWR_PROB_THRES]
                      [--hcjwr_JAQ_thres HCJWR_JAQ_THRES]
                      [--hcjwr_consistence HCJWR_CONSISTENCE]
                      [--hcjwr_min_count HCJWR_MIN_COUNT] [--save_hdf]
                      [--no_nearby_jwr_correction] [--skip_round2_correction]
                      prob_table jwr_check_h5 input_BAM

positional arguments:
  prob_table            Filename of the probability table output from
  jwr_check_h5          Filename of the HDF5 file output from NanoSplicer
  input_BAM             Filename of the input BAM (same as what has been input
                        to NanoSplicer module jwr_checker)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --SIQ_thres SIQ_THRES
                        SIQ threshold for high qualilty squiggle matching
                        (JWRs with) SIQ < threshold will be ignored from
                        NanoSplicer output. (default: -0.8)
  --prob_thres PROB_THRES
                        The minimum probability of the NanoSplicer identified
                        junction. NanoSplicer identified junction with
                        probability < threshold will be ignored (default: 0.8)
  --JAQ_thres JAQ_THRES
                        Fow JWRs that NanoSplicer does not give identification
                        to. The initial mapped location will be used as
                        "corrected junction" if the Junction Alignment Quality
                        (JAQ) of the initial mapping >= this threshold.
                        (default: 0.95)
  --nearby_jwr_correction_mode {majority_vote,probability}
                        How to correct jwr based on nearby corrected jwrs.
                        'majority_vote': Corrected to most supported junction
                        nearby 'probability': randomly choose from the nearby
                        junctions with probability based on the proportion of
                        support. (default: majority_vote)
  --uniform_prior       Use uniform prior probability for splice patterns.
                        Recommended for synthetic RNA data (e.g. SIRV,
                        Sequins) (default: False)
  --output_fn OUTPUT_FN
                        Output filename, please specify valid extension: .bed
                        (for BED file) or .gtf (for GTF) file, .csv (for CSV
                        file) (default: NanoIsoform_out.bed)
  --cfg_fn CFG_FN       Filename of customised config file. (default: )

Definition of High-confidence JWR:
Note that more stringent threshold than above should be specified. It will be overwritten when less stringet.
  --hcjwr_SIQ_thres HCJWR_SIQ_THRES
                        SIQ threshold for high qualilty squiggle matching
                        (default: -0.4)
  --hcjwr_prob_thres HCJWR_PROB_THRES
                        The minimum probability of the NanoSplicer identified
                        junction. (default: 0.95)
  --hcjwr_JAQ_thres HCJWR_JAQ_THRES
                        Junction Alignment Quality (JAQ) of the initial
                        mapping >= this threshold. (default: 0.95)
  --hcjwr_consistence HCJWR_CONSISTENCE
                        NanoSplicer junction is consistent with the minimap2
                        junction. (default: True)
  --hcjwr_min_count HCJWR_MIN_COUNT
                        Minimum support from HCJWRs for each unique HC
                        junction. (default: 5)

For the developers only::
  --save_hdf            Save intermediate dataframe into hdf5 file for
                        debugging. (default: False)
                        For test purpose only: Turn off the correction based
                        on nearby jwr. Note that reads with uncorrected jwr(s)
                        will not appear in the output. (default: False)
                        Skip second round. correction, which recover uncorrect
                        JWRs in the first round. (default: False)

Furture improvement:

  • In the current version, reads without strand information is discarded. This can potentially kept just for quantification


Tools for Isoform identification using Oxford Nanopore Sequencing







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