MLP for mnist done
test on 102flowers done command like this:
python --dataset_name=102flowers --dataset_dir='./'
test on MLP model on mnist done
download the mnist jpgs on baidu yunpan mnist jpgs
In folder finetuning, we use tf.slim to finetuning the pretrain model (I use the same method in my porn detection) and use flask to buid a very simple inference system.
I deploy a image classification in demo page. It is based on Tensorflow and Flask. Feel free to try.
You can get the detailed introductation in TensorFlow与中文手写汉字识别
The project in GAN includ AC-GAN and Info-GAN:
Infogan result:
You can get detailed information in GAN的理解与TF的实现
The images from, you can download from the baidu yunpan
details in CGAN之deepcolor实践
You can get the detail information in 自然语言处理第一番之文本分类器. Classic methods such as Word Count Distribution and TF-IDF and DeepLearning Methods based CNN and C-LSTM are provided in nlp/text_classifier