The Cyberpunk 2077 "Breach Protocol Auto-Solver" is a Screen Capture + OCR + Solver + Auto-Clicker for Breaches in Cyberpunk 2077 on PC.
My goal was to try and make the Breach Protocol minigame as easy as possible for PC players.
I think the minigame is fun, but I felt it detracts from the explosive ascension in the rest of the game, especailly for completionists like myself!
(+ I hate Sudokus, and all brute-force problems :P)
cyber_breach works by taking a screenshot of a running game, parsing it, solving it, and then generating clicks on the running game.
Usage: cyber_breach.exe [-h] [-l INPUT] [-s OUTPUT] [--interactive] [--no-autoclick]
Cyberpunk 2077 - Breach Protocol Auto-Solver
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--load INPUT, -l INPUT
input file to load screenshot (default: capture)
--save OUTPUT, -s OUTPUT
output directory to save screenshot (default: disabled)
--interactive, -i
enable interactive prompts (default: disabled)
disable auto-clicking answer (default: autoclick, iff capture)
By default cyber_breach.exe will capture and auto-click a running copy of CP2077
When you launch cyber_breach, it tries to detect from a running instance of CP2077 (or from a previously saved image):
- The buffer length
- The matrix length
- The sequence length(s)
It then performs:
- Optical character recognition on the matrix and sequences
- Calculates the highest scoring path through the matrix
- Displays the result on-screen
Additionally, if a screenshot was captured from a live game, it can:
- Generate mouse movements and clicks, to auto-solve most breaches in less than 1/2 a second.
It does all this without touching any of the in-game memory, so it's safe to use without any long-term effects.
You can also launch cyber_breach on a previously saved image. Or you can instruct cyber_breach to save newly captured screenshots to a directory of your choosing. Saved screenshots might be useful if cyber_breach cannot solve a particular breach, or if you are afraid of it making mistakes (though you may be hard-pressed to ever find any =P). Saved images may be useful if filing Github Issues for new resolutions, and for developers to add expanding detection.
The screenshot must be FROM A 1080P DISPLAY. (I am still working on support for different resolutions!)
The breach MUST NOT HAVE ALREADY BEEN STARTED with any boxes clicked, although pre-installed sequences are automatically skipped by the solver if detected. (i.e. You'll be good as long as none of the boxes in the matrix have already been clicked)
- Visual Studio 2019 (with "Desktop Development with C++") or Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019 (with "MSVC142")
- Boost
- CMake
- OpenCV
- OpenCV Contrib
- TermColor
- Tesseract
- Boost
- CMake
- OpenCV
- OpenCV Contrib
- TermColor
- Tesseract
cd C:\
mkdir src && cd src
git clone [email protected]:microsoft/vcpkg.git
cd vcpkg
vcpkg install boost:x64-windows opencv:x64-windows opencv[contrib]:x64-windows termcolor:x64-windows
cd ..
git clone [email protected]:yuri-sevatz/cyberpunk-cpp.git
cd cyberpunk-cpp
git submodule update --init
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:\src\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake" "-DBUILD_TESTING:BOOL=OFF" "-DCYBER_BUNDLE_TESSDATA:BOOL=ON"
cmake --build . --config Release
Resulting binary is stored in C:\src\cyberpunk-cpp\build\bin\Release*
cd ~
git clone [email protected]:yuri-sevatz/cyberpunk-cpp.git
cd cyberpunk-cpp
mkdir build; cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Release
Resulting binary is stored in ~\cyberpunk-cpp\build\bin*
- Support Resolutions > 1080P (Need lots of high-quality example images of different screens)