This is a full-stack Django Web Application that uses a Postgres database and is connected to AWS. Currently it is deployed to Heroku and can be viewed from this link. Feel free to create an account, add a project, or play around with any of the features. Everything is secure.
This is a typical Django application with function-based views and many templates. There are two apps: the projects app and the users app. This website serves as a website where developers can create an account, share their projects with other developers, and message each other. There are many database models (from Review's to Profile's to Project's) to ensure that the desired functionality on the frontend works.
Additionally, the project includes an API for anyone who would like to access and interact with certain objects in the database. Another project on my GitHub profile titled "frontend" makes API calls to this project to populate a separate app with data from this project. Additionally, users can upvote or downvote projects using the API. The code first verifies users and then adds a token to their cookies so that subsequent API calls are authorized.
Feel free to take a look at the website yourself. I am sure viewing the code in a browser will be more interesting. Lastly, this project is mostly based on a series of Django tutorials made by a Django programmer on YouTube. Feel free to check his work as I owe learning the Django framework and creating a working application to him.
Django, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQLite (in development), Postgres AWS S3 and RDS (in production)
- asgiref 3.7.2
- boto3 1.28.25
- botocore 1.31.25
- Django 4.2.2
- django-cors-headers 4.2.0
- django-storages 1.13.2
- djangorestframework 3.14.0
- djangorestframework-simplejwt 5.2.2
- gunicorn 21.2.0
- jmespath 1.0.1
- packaging 23.1
- Pillow 9.5.0
- pip 23.2.1
- psycopg2 2.9.7
- PyJWT 2.8.0
- python-dateutil 2.8.2
- python-decouple 3.8
- pytz 2023.3
- s3transfer 0.6.1
- setuptools 65.5.0
- six 1.16.0
- sqlparse 0.4.4
- urllib3 1.26.16
- whitenoise 6.5.0