A Chef cookbook to manage applications and services on Cloud Foundry. It is designed to be compatible with any installation of CloudFoundry, whether hosted, self-hosted or based on Micro Cloud Foundry.
This cookbook provides:
- a
LWRP you can use to create, update and delete application instances; bind apps to services; and start, stop and restart instances; - a
LWRP that lets you create services (and more in the future); - a
definition that enables you to continuously deploy an application from a git repository, in a similar way to the standarddeploy_revision
The cloud_foundry cookbook requires the vmc
gem; the cloud_foundry::default
recipe will install it automatically.
Cloud Foundry is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) solution; as such, chances are you can't or won't run chef-client on your CF instance. This cookbook assumes you will use a separated, trusted host as a controller for your CF cloud.
The cloud_foundry cookbook will needs valid credentials to your CF cloud, and
the underlying VMC
gem will save access tokens locally. You should take
appropriate measures to ensure this host is not compromised. It is highly
recommended that you use a dedicate CF account for this purpose and that you
use a dedicated server (a basic virtual machine will suffice) that is running
no other services accessible from outside your trusted network.
This document assumes you are already somewhat familiar with CF and its core concepts; if you are not, you should start by reading up on CF at Cloud Foundry.
The cloud_foundry_app
resource requires the following attributes:
- target the URL to the CF instance;
- admin the login to use when connecting to CF;
- admin_password the password to use when connecting to CF.
For example, this is how you log in to CF:
cloud_foundry_app "test" do
target "http://api.vcap.me"
admin "[email protected]"
admin_password "chefpassword"
action :login
To help debug any issue with CF (or with the cookbook), you can optionally set the target attribute to true.
The cloud_foundry_app
resource understand the following actions:
- login lets you log in to CF. Credentials are cached for subsequent actions, until another login is performed;
- create creates a new application, unless it already exists, in which
case it silently does nothing. The create action takes a few attributes:
- framework one of the frameworks supported by your CF instance. Run
vmc frameworks
for a list of the possible values; - runtime one of the runtimes supported by your CF instance; you can
find all of them by running
vmc runtimes
; - uris an array of URLs this app should reply to;
- instances the number of instances to start; optional, it defaults to 1;
- mem_quota the amount of RAM to reserve for this app; optional, it defaults to 256MB.
- framework one of the frameworks supported by your CF instance. Run
- bind binds one or more services to an app. The services are specified with a services attribute that takes an array of service aliases (you can get a list by running services). Note that any service bound to the app but not present in the array will be unbound;
- update updates attributes for an existing app, or creates it if it doesn't exist yet; it also binds services to the app. It takes the same attribute as create and bind;
- upload uploads new and updated code for an existing application, created with the create action. You must set the path attribute to the absolute path to a directory containing your application;
- start, stop and restart do what you would expect;
As usual with Chef, you can combine actions together to perform more complex
operations at the same time. For instance, you can replicate what vmc push
does with this resource:
cloud_foundry_app "hello_world" do
target "http://api.vcap.me"
admin "[email protected]"
admin_password "chefpassword"
framework "sinatra"
runtime "ruby19"
uris [ "helloworld.vcap.me", "helloworld.example.com" ]
instances 42
path "/tmp/helloworld"
action :create:, :upload
The cloud_foundry_service
resource requires the following attributes:
- target the URL to the CF instance;
- admin the login to use when connecting to CF;
- admin_password the password to use when connecting to CF.
The cloud_foundry_service
resource implements the following actions:
- create provisions a service; you specify the type of service with the
service attribute. See
vmc services
for a list of permissible service names.
The cloud_foundry_deploy
definition builds upon the cloud_foundry LWRPs
to provide a drop-in replacement for deploy_revision to deploy an app to CF.
It takes the same attributes as the :update and :upload actions of the
resource, and a few extra attributes:
- repository the URL to the git repository containing the app;
- revision the git "ref" to deploy (it can the name of a branch, a tag or the SHA-1 of a commit);
- enable_submodules if true, git submodules will be updated after
git clone
orgit update
is done; - deploy_key a private key to use when doing git over SSH.
See examples/deploy.rb for a real-world example of using cloud\_foundry\_deploy
together with a data bag to perform continuous deployment of a set of apps.